We were still in the car when Austin and Scott got into a small fight. Well, they finished there arguement and we begin to figure out what to do.
"I guess we must stay in the car, cause it is pitch black out there and we cant even see a thing" Kate said
We decided to join the two cars together, so we can sleep peacefully at night. Austin and Jack joined the cars from window to window. We all got into the car and sat there talking and giggling. Suddenly, I dont know from where, we heard a thumping noise.
Austin slowly rolled all the windows up and texted Jack to do the same. We sat there listening to that creepy noise. All the girls in the car were creeping out.
"Austin, where are these voices coming from" I asked in a stuttering voice.
"Dont worry baby ! Everything is going to be fine" Austin said
Austin told all of us to keep there mobile lights off and be quiet for sometime.
We did what he said. We switched off all the lights in the car including the headlights of the car and in no time after switching all the lights off, the sound stopped.
We all were relieved but Austin still told us to keep all the lights off in order to make sure that the creepy sound would never start again.
After 5 minutes, there was pitch silence, so we decided to switch the lights on.
"But where was that sound coming and why?" I asked
"I truly dont have any idea baby. But now the sound has stopped, you dont need to worry." Austin said
Austin who was sitting in the driving seat, jumped at the back seat beside me. He kissed me and calmed me down that everything would be alright and the very next morning, we will continue our journey.
I took Austin's hand and slept on his shoulder. Sleeping in his arms, meant the world to me. To anybody, he would be a normal person. But to me he was special.
"Ooooh your getting cozy" Kate said
"Shut your mouth Kate, He's my boyfriend. Cant we get cozy" I said winking towards Austin. And he smiled the cutest smile I've ever seen.
"Aww Sorry to disturb you two" Kate said
"Not at all" I said and went back to sleep with Austin
No doubt It was the creepiest and the restless night I've ever experianced.
But I was happy somehow. In no time I was sound asleep in the arms of Austin.
And the next morning brought horror in my life....!
Wanna know what happened next morning...! Share, comment and like...!

The Cursed Place
TerrorAshley and her friends are stuck in the middle of nowhere. And its really creepy. Could Ashley and her friends find the way out of that place or they will end up there like other travelers....!