As we set down to read the old book father gave us we discovered the truth about our lives. All the things written there, was the story of our life's till now. And the ending of the book was horrible.
"Oh my Gosh ! Th....Thats horrible." Kate said as she covered her face with her hands.
"And in the last, only 4 of us lives." Jack said in disgust.
"And we dont even know who's gonna die." Austin said.
There were last two pages left to read which were about the deaths of four peoples and in the last they died horribly.
"Ok so now we know that what is gonna happen with us and if we dont work as father says, we're gonna all die." I said as I handed the book to Austin.
"What? Is this some kinda joke?" Anna said in anger.
"See for yourself. Its written clearly." Austin said as he handed the book to her.
"Its nearly morning now. Come on get ready to go." Austin said and rose from his place. We all got up and got ready for Church. We gathered around the table and the old lady was already waiting for us.
"I didn't expect you so soon." She said with a small smile on her face.
"Have you read the book?" She asked and raised one of her eyebrows.
"Yeah. We all read it and we're ready to accept this thing." Scott said in disgust.
"Come on. We'll have to walk to the Church." She said and begin to walk. We followed her and noted something which make us all curious.
"Why we always have to walk in the morning and in evening we're home with only two claps. How weird is that?" I said as Austin came closer to me and kissed me on my cheek.
"Yeah. Lets find out." Austin said.
"Excuse me. I would like to have a word with you. We're curious about how you clap twice in the evening and we're home, and why we always have to walk in the morning." Austin asked as she stopped, smiled and started walking again.
"Its because that I am a witch and my powers dont work in morning." She said.
"So why are you willing to generate again? Every kingdom comes to an end." I said as she looked at me and gave me a smile.
"This kingdom is unique. The curse on this kingdom is so powerful that if its not generated again, this whole world will end as you know." She said as her smile faded away.
"Here we are." She said in a weird tone and just then father arrived.
"Come in children. Have you read the book?" Father said.
"Yeah. So i guess that now you believe in it." He said.
"Yeah." Austin said in a low voice.
"Ok. Sit down everybody. Tonight is the night of making a move. And whatever happens you'll have to suceed in it." He said.
"Ok. So what are we gonna do?" Scott asked.
"There are two special people in you seven that are perfect for this night." Father said.
"What do you mean by two special people." I asked.
"The fight we're gonna fight tonight needs two people with special skills of being capable of doing magic if given the power to." Father said.
"But how are we supposed to know who is special enough to do magic." I said.
"There is a spell. One spell will be given to all of you. The two special people will transform and the others will be the same." Father said.
"Come on. Stand in a line." He said and we did as he said. He handed us all the old rough paper on which the spell was written in a rough writing.
"Now. Read the spell together." He said and we begin. We finished the spell and to my horror Scott and I transformed. We wore similar black clothes.
"Here we go. These two are capable of fighting this nights fight." Father said with the biggest smile on his face.
Very very very very sorry for the late update.
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The Cursed Place
HororAshley and her friends are stuck in the middle of nowhere. And its really creepy. Could Ashley and her friends find the way out of that place or they will end up there like other travelers....!