The Vibe

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Chapter One-Getting to know the sunset!

My summer always starts by me going to my grandmas and get a job at her friends old antique shop. And so as this summer, all the same. The town my grandma lives is the most wonderful and the most curious town ever. It’s a small town, and if you think you know everyone you don’t, there are lots of tourist who come and go all summer long. Familiar and lovely face you see everyday, the people here are so generous and wonderful. All of them have a story to tell you, and all of those stories take place in this small town. The beach is so near and I often go to see the sunset, but my favorite place here is the mountains who are like a guard watching over the town whit its green rain forest.

Like every last school day I packed up and left, I took a train this time and it was pretty crowded. A lot of people were living the town for the summer. The road was long, but when I arrived at my grandmas the smell of her cookies and pies made it all better. Life can be miserable sometimes and sometimes can be just happiness. I lost my mother last summer in a car accident when we were going to Paris. Accident or something else, I got my heartbroken. I thought my life without her would be pointless, but my grandma and aunt took a very good care of me.And my father, he died when i was only 3 months old. Since than my heart was torn to million pieces and i was never able to put it back together. My grandma and I, never talk about that, we want to be happy that we have each other. And in the big city my aunt takes a good care of me, so I don’t slack from school. But my grandma is my best fairy guard I could ever have. She always said that if someone abandons me she will take care of me until she can.

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  The summer in this small town is awesome, green rain forest and a beach I don’t know if a person could ask for more. This is the perfect escape from all the noise in the big city and the school. As I said my grandmas cookies are amazing, and she bakes them with extra love, that’s her recipe. The house is just perfect for us two and it has another back house that we are renting. This time of year there are too many tourists, and this year my grandma said that a bunch of high school kids will come. I hate kids, especially high school, I just ended another miserable year and now I think I’m going to have the worst days until they go away!

So as I said, I usually work at my grandmas friend antique shop, but this time she hired her nephew who is twenty-five years old and he was in college. So my grandma got me another job for the summer, I’m going to work in the coffee shop that my grandmas really close man friend owns. My grandma knows everyone in this town, she knows who is who, with who, why, why not. She has been living here all her live, she meat my granddad on the beach and they shared a first kiss there. But my granddad past away a few years ago until I was in middle school. Well few days past I was working so much in the coffee shop, so Mr.Harvey said that I get a week off and he paid me. So that leave me with a full week all to my self. My grandma always ask why do I get jobs over the summer, it's summer she said, just relax. But if I relax I start to think about my mum and dad, about my life and I loose control.I just didn't want to lose them and i wish they were beside me. And every step i took i could feel them beeing by my side and encouraging me to do more and love life. But since they werent here, my grandma took me under her wings as a guardian angel.

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Well this week will be a long, week because the new renters needed to come and are a few high school kids. They make too much noise, but I think that I can take that as a challenge for a few days.

  – 'Elizabeth',-my grandma said as she was walking towards the door that rang. 'Honey come down the renters are here'.

 -'I’m coming grandma'.-as i was already coming down the stairs.  

When I went down I saw bunch of high school kids, three school drama queens and four boys from the basketball or football team. Ah, cool a popular squad, in our school there was no queen or a prince, yes there were some adorable kids, but we all loved each other. And that’s strange for a school, cause in all schools there is something like this popular squad.

 -'Hello!' -my grandma smiled at them as he closed the door behind them.

 -'Hi.'-they all said it together as they were looking around the hall.

-'Where do we stay?'-one of the boys said as he smilled at grandma.

-'Oh, follow me I will show you.'-Grandma said as she was walking towards the back door and in to the back yard.  

-'Can we see the beach?'-one of the gilr said.

-'Of course, well we are on the beach right now'-my grandma happily said it. The conversation continued outside as my grandma took them to the house.

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I went to the beach to see the sundown.It was an awesome feeling for me, i thought that i can connect again with my parents trough the stars and the unbelievable darkness that surounded the whole wolrd. And as i have always said, i qoute 'You never stop loving someone, you either never did, or you always will.' And i never stop loving my parents and i will always love them.

One of the boys came and he was pretty much interested of his surroundings he was looking around and when he saw me he head towards me.

-'Hey!'-The boy said as he was putting his hand above his eyes because the sun was shinning so bright.

-'Hi.'-i said as i sat on the sandy beach, that reminded me of my mother who really loved to spend her time on the beach.

-'Watching the sundown?'-he said as he sat down next to me. And facing his head towards me he smiled softly.

-'Yes.'-i said as i smiled back at him.

-'It’s amazing, the view and the whole nature surrounding this place.'- he faced the ocean again, and he had an exhausted smile on his face.

-'Yeah! So for how long are you going to saty here?'

-I don't know, if it was up to me i would stay  my whole life here.I love this place, so peacful and quiet, but yet so beautiful and has a thousand of secrets...I..I would love to live here again.

-'Again!'-I turn my face towards him as he said again.  

-'Yeah.Well acctualy my grandparents lived here and i used to come here every summer. But than my granparents died and my father sold the house...'                                                                                       He stopped as he was leaning his head forward untill he put it inbetween his knees. I never though, anyone could have ever sell a house in this place, cause there were people waiting like hungry wolfs to buy a house in this place.

-'And when he sold it'-he continued. 'We never came back...I missed this place.' He was watching the ocean whit a confused face as he was trying not to sound too depressed. 'And you? You live here, or you are on a summer vacation?'-he said as he faced me with a cute smile.

-'I...I don't live here, well acctualy i come here every summer to visit my grandma.'-i said 

-'Well you are lucky to have a house here.'-he said as he got up. 'I need to go now, my friends are going to look for me. It was nice chatting with you. My name is Leon.'- he pulled his hand from his pocket and he lifted her towards me.

-'My name is Liz, Elizabeth acctualy.'-i said as i was shaking his hand.

 The boy left, but i sat on the beach untill the sun finally was gone. And i went home.

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