Chapter 7

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A/N: this is a very short paragraph, I'm sorry, I had to rewrite this part last minute so it might have quite a few grammar mistakes or things that don't make sense.

The three Vault Hunters proceeded to the next room which was a large room with two doors on the other side.

Salvador said, "uh, oops.I forgot where to go" Grim yelled, "did you really forget which door to go through!?" Salvador ignored her and said, "both doors lead to something, but I forgot what. We will have to split up. Zero, you get Grim." Zero nodded and Grim said, "why do you pair us together? It's awkward" Salvador responded, "would you rather hang out with the guy that had a gun pointed to your head just 20 minutes ago?" She grabbed Zero's arm heading through the right door after adding in, "you get left, Sal."

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