00 || foreword

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Hey ho,

This story 'Daydreamer' is daydream scenarios for you to read with a certain someone in mind...

Basically, this novel is different to other scenario books because you get to PM me a scenario you'd like me to write.

You're gunna need to give me a scenario that you'd like to picture you and your crush in, in a brief description and basic facts so that it's more personal. I will NOT post names - I only use pronouns such as he/she/they etc..

I will also need something like a distinctive physical trait like eye colour, hair, smile and a personality trait like attitude, sense of humour BASICALLY just include important things so that my outcome isn't not what you asked for. I don't do any abusive or sexual scenes so don't ask for that sort of thing.


Fill in form:
Eye colour (not compulsory):

Hair colour/length/type (compulsory unless you don't want included):

Most dominant physical trait (repeated motif):

Basic character (e.g. playful and funny, yet soft-hearted):

Theme (e.g. The sea or Christmas etc.):

If you want a song, song lyrics or poem included:

Where (not to be specific)/ Day or night/ weather etc:

Included? (E.g. Talk, then kiss):


I'm free for any relationship type which includes all LGBTQ+ :D (any hate =block)

Also, I will tag the requester unless they state otherwise.

I think that's all I need to say but any questions, just comment :-)

CopyRight Statement

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without permission in writing from the author.

Thank You :-)

CopyRight© Unread_chapters


Just to let you know: this is for entertainment reasons. I love daydreaming and I'm assuming you do to but I really, really recommend actually taking action if it feels right to, and not just dreaming of what could happen.

love you :)

DaydreamerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora