Chapter Sixteen- The Birthday

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Chapter Sixteen- The Birthday

Two Days Later,

It has been two days that have passed. Dakota had finished filming the movie and now it was September thirteen, and it was Niall's twenty-third birthday.

Dakota had decided to make birthday cake cupcakes for Niall and so she did make them.

When Dakota was putting the cupcakes in a small box, she had got a call from her father.

"Hello dad!"

"Hello sweetheart!"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"No, sweetie. Tell Niall I said Happy Birthday from Switzerland"

"Yes, daddy, I will"

"Okay, I have to go. I love you Dakota"

"I love you to dad"

Then the phone call ended. Dakota was looking around her flat knowing she's forgetting something. And then it hit her. She was forgetting the letter she made for Niall.

Once she got the letter, she had to sign her name. She had written the letter in her neat cursive lettering.

Dakota grabbed her car keys, put the letter in her Victoria Beckham handbag, and grabbed the cupcake box. Then she headed towards her car and drove off to her boyfriend house.

Niall was sitting in his living watching a golf programs, he wonder if Dakota's forgot his birthday. He didn't really think that because they had talked about two days ago.

He was swimming through his thoughts, until the doorbell rang. He got up from his spot and went to go open it.

He opened the door and it revealed Dakota.

"Happy Birthday Niall!" Dakota grinned as she gave him a kiss on the lips.

Paparazzi were hiding behind the bushes and caught them kissing.

Niall let Dakota in his house and led her to the kitchen.

"My father says Happy Birthday all the way from Switzerland" Dakota said as she took a seat in the bar stool, "And I made you birthday cake cupcakes".

"Tell him I said thank you and thank you love for making these, you didn't really needed to"

"But, I wanted to and I'm going to make dinner later"

Niall opened the cupcake box and took on out and a bite.

He never tasted one so amazing that if made him want more.

"Dakota theses are amazing"

"It was a recipe from me. I also made you a letter, that I hope you'll enjoy"

"I always enjoy you're letters"

The two talked and talked, they both didn't seem to be uninterested in each other. Both were fascinated by each other and in love with each other.

Hours later, Dakota decide to start making dinner.

She made her dish that everyone liked.

And that was spaghetti and meatballs.

Niall had always enjoyed Dakotas's cooking.

But when he tried this dish, he immediately loved this dish of food.

Night time came by fast and soon Niall birthday was going to have to come to a end.


"Yeah, love"

"Can I stay over you're house"

"Of course you can"

"But, you need to lend me something"

"And that is?"


Niall ran up to his bedroom and got a pair of boxers with one of his shirts, he then ran back down the stairs and gave the clothes to Dakota.

Dakota went to the bathroom to get changed and then came back to the living room where Niall waited for her.

Niall thought Dakota was adorable because of the way she was dressed.

The shirt was one of those over sized one that when girls where it, it goes through mid thigh. The shirt fit perfectly Dakota and the boxers looked like shorts for her.

"Let's go" Niall said turning the lights off and then went to grabbed Dakota's hand.

He took her to his bedroom, where both were going to sleep.

Both laid in the king-sized bed together, both holding each other.

"Happy Birthday Niall, I love you"

"I love you too Dakota"

The two gave each other one last kiss and then drifted off to sleep.

Niall didn't want to let go of Dakota, he wanted to stay in this positioned.

A/N- I have nothing to say but I hope you guys liked it!

Love Kara xoxo

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