Chapter Twenty- Things Get Heated

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Chapter Twenty- Things Get Heated

Months Later,

Yesterday night, on July Fourth, was Dakota's and Niall's one year anniversary. Right now, both live together in Malibu.

Today, in the present time, it already nine in the night.

Dakota was in the kitchen eating fresh chopped up fruits. She was wearing one of Niall's collar shirts and was wearing no pants nor short, she only had her thong on.

Niall was no wearing no shirt and was only wearing his boxers.

Niall went up to Dakota tickling her sides, she had no fruit in her mouth so she wouldn't choke, making Dakota squeal.

"Let's go to sleep, I want to cuddle with you" Niall said picking up Dakota bridal style and taking her upstairs to their bedroom.

Niall gently placed Dakota on their king-sized bed and he started to tickle her some more.

"Ni-Niall stop!" Dakota laughed out, "Only if you give me a kiss" Niall said "On the lips".

And so Dakota gave him a kiss for her could stop tickling her.

Niall roller over to the other side of the bed making Dakota go on top of him.

He stared at her beautiful blue orbs. Then, he attached his lips to her lips.

The kiss was getting even heated because Dakota was running her fingers against Niall's hair and Niall was kissing Dakota's neck.

Dakota was taking off the shirt, leaving her only in her white lace bra.

She felt Niall's manhood greeting harder every time.

Dakota was now fully straddling Niall, she moved her hips making both moan a little.

Niall had his hand on Dakota's breast, massing them.

"Dakota, do you want to do this?" Niall questioned before her unclasps her bra, "Yes, Niall" Dakota said nodding her head.

Niall unclasped her bra, throwing across the room, revealing her breasts.

Niall pulled down her thongs and threw it across the room.

Both switched spots, now Niall was on top of Dakota and Dakota was underneath Niall.

Niall took off his boxers and positioned himself at Dakota's entrance.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Niall asked Dakota once again and she nodded her head.

Niall went inside of her.

Both moaned at the feeling of the pleasure.

There was no protection during this sexual act.

As their making love act finished, both were wrapped around in the bed sheets hugging each other.

"I love you Niall"

"I love you to Dakota"

There was going to be an amazing surprise coming and both two are going to be really happy about the surprise.

A/N- Hi loves, sorry for the short chapter and the very mature contain in this chapter. I felt really weird writing this.

This is the start of the new surprise coming along.

Love Kara xoxo

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