how it came to be

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Jay and Dan always knew they were going to get married. The minute Dan asked Jay out to their school's winter formal their freshmen year it was as if they knew it was their destiny to get married. Obviously they had their fair share of naysayers who would laugh at the idea of people staying together throughout all of high school, college, and then the rest of their lives. But slowly they managed to prove people wrong.

The first four years were probably the more difficult ones seeing as though they were only in high school, but what people seem to forget is high school isn't easy. They had to deal with rumors and being limited by their parent's rules seeing as though they were still minors, but they made it through with only minimal regrets.

Then came college. Now most people would think this is the hardest part of a relationship because there's the thought of going to different schools, but Jay and Dan seemed to be lucky. No, they did not go to the same university seeing as Dan had been offered a scholarship to the University of Manchester, however, Jay's dream was only a few miles away from there: the Royal Northern College of Music. Sure it was a bit difficult to work around each other's schedules, but within their first semester they were able to work out a system. Eventually they even got a small apartment together where they spent their next three years of university living together.

As time came for them to graduate, neither person had ever been happier than they were in that moment, so it came to no shock when at their joint graduation party that Dan proposed. Obviously Jay said yes, however, it was agreed that they wouldn't start planning the date until they both found themselves a job because if they were going to get married they needed to get a bigger apartment at the least. So a couple of months past and both Jay and Dan found their dream jobs. Dan was asked to open up his own counseling firm under an already big name company, and Jay was hired to be a producer in an up-and-coming record label. And just when they thought things couldn't get better, Dan's parents decided to surprise the couple with an early wedding present.

Their very own home in a quaint, little, suburban neighborhood.

So with their careers and future home finally set the couple began to plan their wedding. It was simple but elegant, and anyone who saw the couple could tell they were meant to be together. They danced and kissed all night long before getting on a plane to honeymoon over in Australia for two weeks, and the whole time they were there it felt as if they were seeing each other for the first time all over again because that's just how in love they were.

When they arrived back to Manchester obviously reality had to kick back in a bit with work and all, but luckily for them they always had a bit of the honeymoon feeling within them. They alternated nights cooking dinner for each other or simply just ordered in pizza before settling down to watch their guilty pleasure shows. That's how life was for them during their first three years of marriage and much to everyone's surprise they never got bored of it, but finally on their third anniversary Jay decided to bring something new to the table.

"We're pregnant?" Dan asked his wife as he looked down at the picture that was pushed forward to him while they were out for dinner.

"Yes, we're pregnant," Jay smiled as she saw her husband's face split in two from smiling so wide.

"Oh my god! I'm going to be a Daddy! You're going to be a mummy! Jay, we're going to be parents," Dan said in one of the happiest of voices Jay has ever heard.

The rest of the night was spent with Dan making sure Jay did nothing to strain herself as well as kissing her still flat belly. And, well, if we're being honest that's how he remained for the whole nine months of her pregnancy. Every night he would give his wife a kiss before kissing her belly followed by rubbing over a cream that Jay had gotten in order to try and prevent stretch marks - though Dan told her countless times she didn't need it. Every sonogram, doctor's appointment, and even birthing classes, Dan would be there front in center. He took this whole we're pregnant statement to a new level.

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