junior year pt. III

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Do to being asked nonstop for an update I've decided to post what I have ready even though I had originally planned to make this update much longer. I originally planned to make this the last chapter for junior year but now I'll have to make a fourth part which will be no longer than this update.
Enjoy and please do give feedback :)



Louis told his parents everything that night. He told them about what he had done to Zayn two months ago which caused his silent treatment phase. He told them how he had left Zayn alone at school so he could go get high. But most importantly, he told them how shitty of a brother he's been ever since high school began.

Obviously it was Louis' choice to tell them, but then again it didn't seem as he had many options when his parents saw the state the boy was in plus the fierce glares Liam and Harry were giving him. But nonetheless as Louis told him it was as if everything inside him broke. It was as if actually saying everything that he had done to Zayn was finally becoming clear in his mind which then caused tears to just freely flow. By the end of it all both Jay and Dan were beyond furious, however, with the amount of tears Louis was shedding at the moment they couldn't bring themselves to yell.

Instead of yelling Jay just held him. She held him like she holds Zayn during his episodes. She held him tightly to her chest as she swayed him back and forth until the boy was only slightly hiccupping. By the time they got to that phase, though, Dan was gone from the one room and instead was quietly sitting beside Zayn's bed as he ran his fingers through his baby's hair.

"You're grounded," Dan says softly so to not wake Zayn.

"I know," Louis whispers back.

"For a very long time," the father adds.

"I know," Louis repeats as he wipes the remaining tears.

"Louis, why don't you, Harry, and Liam go pick up something for dinner? I'm sure Zayn will want to see them later," Jay cuts in as she gently guides her eldest from the room.

And though Louis didn't want to leave Zayn's side he nods as he and the two other boys make their way out to Harry's car. For the first five or so minutes the car ride is filled with nothing but silence, however, eventually Louis has enough.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry, okay? Harry, I know Zayn's your best friend and I know I've treated him poorly, but I mean it when I say I'm sorry. And Liam, you've always given me shit for not taking care of Zayn enough, and I'm sorry I never listened to you. You both are better brothers to Zayn then I can ever be, and I am just so sorry," Louis says as he once again fights to keep his tears at bay.

After that it's once again quiet for a couple moments, but as they pull into the parking lot of where Louis assumes they'll get food Harry turns to him with a straight face.

"Zayn's not my best friend he's my brother, and with that comes you as my brother as well. I can hear that you're sorry, but until I see it don't expect me to be my happy self around you," Harry says as he turns the car off and begins to make his way towards a restaurant.

"You're a little shit, you know that, yeah?" Liam asks with a raised brow once it was just him and Louis in the car.

"Yeah I know," Louis replies.

"Good, now let's get out cause you're paying for the food," Liam says as he nudges the boy's arm to get him moving.

The two then follow Harry into the Italian restaurant he had walked into. Quickly Harry orders Zayn's favorite as well as something for himself before allowing Liam and Louis to order the rest of the food for themselves as well as Jay and Dan. It didn't take too long to make, so the boys were in and out within twenty minutes. Upon arriving at the house, though, rather than hearing the peaceful silence they left with, they find themselves hearing the loud cries of Zayn.

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