senior year pt. II

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"How have you not told him yet?!" Harry says with wide eyes as three of the five boys wait at the lunch table for Louis and Zayn to come back.

"Zayn hasn't wanted to! I told him we can't kiss again until we tell Louis, and now he won't kiss me and he won't tell Louis! Trust me I wish this was different also," Liam says back with a frustrated huff.

"Got them blue balls yet?" Niall jokes which causes Harry to glare and Liam to choke on his water.

"We don't do that stuff! Zayn doesn't know about that stuff," Liam says while looking at Harry with his hands up because if looks could kill he would have already been dead.

"Don't you dare violate him," Harry says with a glare just before Louis and Zayn make their way back to their usual table.

"So what's the conversation topic of choice today, boys?" Louis says with a smile.

From there the boys go on to talk about the current football season, the upcoming homecoming dance, and on a more serious note the deadline for college applications soon arriving. It was now mid-October and basically the boys had just over a month to finish off their applications before everything was just left off for the universities to decide. For the most part the boys all had their applications done, it was just a matter of finalizing everything and getting the perfect recommendation letters.

All four boys were already being looked at by certain universities for scholarships regarding football, however, nothing was really set in stone. Louis had an idea for where he wanted to attend, but at the same time it wasn't really up to him as well he wasn't sure if he'd want to leave Zayn. That's another thing that was keeping the boy a bit on edge. I mean, he just recently got back to being normal with his brother, and now he was already looking to move away. He just wasn't sure if he'd be able to do it.

And that's another thing, really. Zayn is on track to graduate alongside the boys, however, not one person has looked into seeing if he'd be able to attend university. Not even Jay or Dan who have always done their best to treat Zayn the same as Louis have thought to mention it because, well, it just didn't seem to be a possible feat. However, contrary to everyone thinking Zayn didn't understand what university was , the young boy was actually knew a lot.

"I wanna go to uni," Zayn mumbles as he hears the boys talking about their high chances of playing football throughout college.

"What was that, Zee?" Harry asks, having heard the boy mumble something.

"I wanna go to uni," Zayn says again which causes Harry to coo.

"You'll be able to visit all the time, babe. We'll all have an open space for you," Harry says, oblivious to what the boy truly meant.

"Not what I meant, Haz," Zayn says but this time no one but Liam seemed to hear.

Before the boy could address the statement, though, the bell was ringing and Louis was standing up to take the boy back to his classroom.


As the day continued Zayn was able to see the boys once more in his art class before the end of the day arrived and it was time for Zayn to go to swim practice. Much to Dwight's relief the boy has to an extent gotten over his fear of the locker room and will now change in there. Obviously this is only to an extent because all meetings must be held outside of there if they want to keep Zayn sane. Once the boy was changed he immediately found himself jumping into the pool to start his warm up, but not even two laps in and he was being called out of the water.

"Zayn, come up here. I want you to meet someone," Dwight says as he walks to the edge to give the boy a hand and pulled him from the water.

Once out of the water, Zayn shook off his hair to rid it of the excess water as well as removed his goggles before following his coach to where he saw two unknown men standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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