freshmen year pt. II

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A/N: I forgot to introduce Niall so I needed to do a part 2 of freshmen year lol. that's all, enjoy the mini chapter :)


As freshmen year continued for the twins they were each able to experience their own form of high school change. Louis was lucky enough to make it on to his school's JV football team. Obviously he wished for varsity, but the coach said he wanted to see the boy develop a bit more before possibly moving him up when it came time for playoffs as a reserve. Zayn on the other hand took in a more educational change. Ever since starting his one non special-ed course Zayn's mood and confidence seemed to burst through the scale. It was as if this one small feat of being included with Louis somewhere was enough to give him that confidence he always seemed to lack.

The boys were on Christmas holiday at the moment, and it had been decided that they would stay in town until the day after Christmas before traveling up to visit Jay's sister for New Years. Seeing as they were on holiday Jay was sort of hoping to see her two boys hanging out together, however, it seemed as though Louis had completely different plans.

"Bye Mum I'm going to the mall with Liam and some other guys," Louis shouts as he begins to make his way to the door.

"Not so fast Louis," Jay calls from the kitchen where she was making some pre Christmas festivity cookies with Zayn. "You promised you would hang out with Zayn while I did that thing I told you about."

"What thing, mum?" Louis asks, obviously confused.

And Jay can only sigh because, really, of course Louis would forget. Of course he would forget that she needs him to distract Zayn for a couple hours while she wraps the presents from the one and only Santa Claus.

"The C-L-A-U-S thing," Jay clarifies with a raised brow - spelling Claus out because Zayn doesn't know the spelling of that part by heart.

It took Louis a couple seconds to put together the letters before his eyes widen in realization, however, they quickly dart back down in a frown.

"Mum, no. Do it tomorrow, please? I don't want to have to watch him all day. Some new kid who just moved here is supposed to meet up with us, and I really don't want to have to deal with him if something happens."

"He is your brother, Louis. He should come before any of your friends, is that clear?"

And even though Louis still wants to argue he nods with a glare before replying, "Yes, ma'm."

"Good. I'll go get Zayn changed and then you two can go out. If it makes you feel better I only need about two hours, and then you can drop him off before going back out to be with friends."

At that Louis actually does smile a bit because he can do two hours. Two hours was practically nothing, he'd just have to find something stupid enough to distract the boy with for two hours.

From there Jay began to guide Zayn upstairs where she allowed him to pick out his outfit before she began to help him change into it. However, before she could slip on the pants he had picked out a thought occurred to the protective mother.

"Zayn, baby, look at me," Jay says gently before Zayn's eyes are on her. "Are you going to be a proper big boy and tell Louis if you get scared and need to potty, or should mummy put one of your pull-ups on?"

At the question Zayn actually does have to stop and think about his options a bit. He's been to the mall before without a pull-up and a couple of the times it hasn't ended well. But then again Louis at times likes to tease him about it, and he heard there's going to be friends other than Liam there so he's not sure how far Louis will go.

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