sophomore year

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"Alright, Lou, make sure you check all your mirrors, stop for four seconds, and drive slow," Dan reminds the boy.

Today, January twelfth, Louis and Zayn Tomlinson turned sixteen years old, and like all sixteen year olds Louis decided he needed to get his license today. So it is with that exact reason that Dan and Louis find themselves in the DVLA (or DMV) at the early hours of 8:00 AM this Friday morning.

"Dad, I've got this relax," Louis replies as he makes his way to where the driver instructor was waiting.

"Good luck my future driver!" Dan shouts out just as Louis enters the car.

With Louis now gone, though, Dan turns to go sit back in the office area where he is quick to pull out his phone to answer a couple of emails. He managed to get through about five when his phone lights up with a text from Jay, and immediately he finds himself on red alert.

From Jay

To Dan:

Had to bring Zayn home - they had a surprise fire drill.

At the text Dan can't help but sigh. Of all the things to set off Zayn's episodes, loud noises takes the cake. There's just something about it that has always caused Zayn to cry or cringe in fear. Along with a sigh of sympathy for his little one, he can't help but sigh in annoyance at the school. Typically they tend to inform the special ed teachers if there is to be a drill so they can take Zayn outside, however, it seems they must have forgotten which doesn't sit to nicely with the older man.

From Dan

To Jay:

When me and Boo finish I'm taking him 2 school. Bring Zayn 2 my office @ 8:45?

A couple minutes later Jay replies that that's fine, but before the man could think to reply an I love you his son was walking through the doors with a beaming smile.

"I passed!" Louis exclaims as he hugs his father.

"That's my boy! C'mon, now, time to get your close up done," Dan jokes.

Over the next twenty or so minutes Louis fills out a couple of forms before he finally gets his picture taken. When the ID is printed, Dan takes a picture of the boy with it - which he quickly sends to the family group chat - before he guides Louis to the car where he begrudgingly allows him to drive to the school.

"You're fine with tonight being a family thing, yeah?" Dan asks the boy as he switches to be in the driver's seat.

"Yeah that's fine as long as I still get to do my thing tomorrow," Louis confirms which Dan nods at.

"Your party is still set, Lou, don't worry. We paid for the venue, so that's not going away anytime soon."

With one last hug goodbye as well as a happy birthday wish, Louis finally walks into the school building while Dan drives off to his office. Just as he manages to pull into his parking spot, though, seems to be just when Jay is arriving with the still shaken up Zayn.

"There's my other birthday boy," Dan coos as he pulls the timid boy in for a hug. "Heard you had a rough morning, huh, baby?"

"S'loud," Zayn whines into his father's chest.

"Yeah I bet," Dan coos yet again before looking towards his wife. "He say anything at home?"

"Other than it was loud, no. He did have a little bit of an accident from when he got scared, though, and he doesn't seem to believe that he's still a big boy like Boo," Jay says softly as she runs her fingers through her baby's hair. "I'm gonna go run an errand real quick. What time is your next appointment?"

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