senior year

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"Boo, I need more purple," Zayn says out loud as he lays on his stomach painting his senior year crown.

"Zaynie, you have plenty of purple, but if you really need more you have some on your arm," Louis comments as he comes back into the room along with a couple boxes of pizza.

"When are you gonna make your crown, Boo?"

You see, a tradition at the boys' school is that on the first day of the year all the seniors come to school wearing crowns decorated in their class color which for seniors is purple. Zayn has been working on his crown for the past week, however, throughout that week he has yet to see Louis even take out the crown they got from Burger King.

"I'm doing it tonight with the lads and some of the girls, remember? I told you about this, bub," Louis says as he sits down beside his brother and begins to wipe away some of the purple paint from his face.

"Oh yeah," Zayn lightly mumbles as he adds on just a touch more of purple glitter.

"Are you gonna hang out with us tonight? Niall misses you," Louis says but Zayn just shrugs, and that's something he's been doing a lot more lately.

Lately Zayn hasn't been wanting to hang out with Louis when he has his group of friends over, and this really confuses Louis because this is the group of friends he's had since preschool. Obviously Zayn still hangs out with Harry all the time, but now whenever Louis invites him to the cinema or to the diner Zayn always finds an excuse not to go.

"Is everything alright, Zee?"

"I'm happy, Boo," Zayn replies with a smile, and Louis can only smile at that because Zayn's always happy.

Before Louis can even think to reply someone's knocking on the door causing Zayn to sprint up and race over to open it. Obviously the boy looks back over at Louis to get permission first - seeing as Jay and Dan weren't in at the moment - before gently opening up the door. Originally Zayn was only expecting one person to be stood behind the door, however, he's quickly proven wrong when he finds it to be the entire group of people waiting.

"Hi, Zayn," Louis' girlfriend, Danielle, greets the boy with a smile before walking in to give Louis a quick kiss.

Following her came Niall and Harry who both said hello to the boy with a wide smile, some of Louis' newer friends Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Michael, a couple of the girls Louis' been friends with for ages, and finally it ended on Liam.

"Hi Zee," Liam greets before he walks straight into the house.

Now everyone was lounging in the family room area, talking, laughing, and overall just looking like normal kids before the first day of their last day of high school. Zayn on the other hand stayed standing by the door as he looked over at the group of people hanging out...or rather at just one person in that group of people.

"Zaynie, close the door and come over here, yeah? You need to eat some food," Louis says with a smile as he waves his brother over.

Slowly Zayn closes the door, however, instead of going over to the group of people Zayn makes his way upstairs which causes Louis to sigh.

"Babe, what's up with Zayn? He's been off for a couple months now," Danielle asks with a look of concern lacing her face.

"I don't really know. One day he just came home while I had friends over, and suddenly he wouldn't talk to any of them. I don't know what happened," Louis says as he watches his brother retreat up the last steps. "Haz, has he said anything to you?"

"Not a word, and trust me I've tried," Harry frowns. "I'll check on him in a bit, for now let's make some senior crowns."


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