junior year

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They say sophomore year is the forgotten year of high school, however, for both of the Tomlinson boys it may be a bit hard to forget it.

Sophomore year is the year everything seemed to happen for Louis. He got his first serious girlfriend. Lost his virginity to his first serious girlfriend. Had his first scout com watch him play football. And he even was featured as the breakout star in their local paper.

For Zayn, though, like always his year wasn't the same, however, it was just as unforgettable. From his first serious bully. To his first broken bone - which he blamed on clumsiness. To his second serious bully. And then third. And fourth. And, well, Zayn began to lose count after that. On the bright side, though, Zayn was able to feature in three museums total throughout the year...though most people didn't take his work seriously.

But now they were in junior year. The year that universities look at and causes students to stay up for so many hours that they didn't think it was physically possible to be this tired. The year started just about the same as every year for both boys. Louis had his regular classes with the occasional advance placement one, and Zayn was still in his typical special-ed classes with his one normal level art class. Once again Louis was on the varsity football team only difference is this year he's co-captain along with one of the seniors, and Zayn, well, that's where Zayn's year changed.

It was during the summer when Jay had to take Zayn with her to the gym. The night before he had had an episode, and typically Dan would just stay home with him, however, he and Louis had a football game so he couldn't. Obviously the man offered to take his second son along with him, but Zayn didn't feel being outside so his only option was to go with Jay.

Jay originally was going to have Zayn sit in her spinning class because he's done that before, however, today Zayn didn't seem to want to do that. Today the boy wanted to work out on his own so he could "be more like Boo". So with a coo Jay helped Zayn get changed into his swim outfit before the two were at the gym.

She dropped him off at the pool area - obviously consulting with the lifeguard to make sure he'd watch her baby - before making her way to her spinning class. And it was with that decision that Zayn's life began to change.

"Excuse me, ma'm. Excume me," a voice called out as Jay was stood beside the pool helping Zayn to dry off.

Jay looks up from where she was cooing at her baby only to set eyes on an unfamiliar face. Nonetheless, though, she smiles at the man.

"May I help you?" Jay asks as she hangs the towel from Zayn's shoulders.

"Is this boy your son?" the man asks and Jay can only raise a brow.

"Uh, yes. Is there something you need?" Jay asks again, this time pulling Zayn a bit closer to her.

"My apologies, ma'm. My name is Dwight, and I'm a high school swim coach. I saw your son here swimming a few moments ago, and I just have to ask: does he train?"

"No he just swims here for fun occasionally while I do my spinning classes."

"Ma'm in all my years of coaching I don't think I've ever seen such a perfect technique - while also being quick - from someone who's never trained."

"Oh, well, thank you. What do we say when people compliment us, Zayn?"

"Thank you," Zayn mumbles as he begins to twirl the edge of his towel a bit.

"You're the Tomlinson family, correct? I would see your son all over the school last year with all his accomplishments and such. Is this one going to be starting high school soon? I would love to get him on the team," the man asks in genuine curiosity, however, Jay can only sigh by the time the man's done.

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