Chapter 2

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It's been a couple weeks since school started. I'm paranoid. I'm going crazy. Everytime I look up I see him staring at me. And when I catch him he smiles. He's also been flirting with me. See, the other day I failed a test, he made me stay after class. He gave me a look, like he wanted something but he wasn't going to say it. Like he wanted to so bad but I know he couldnt. "So Mr. Jones, I was wondering, if you could help me study after class? You know, since I failed the test." I asked. He started blushing. So did I. I got tired of waiting I knew what he wanted. So I leaned in got right in his face and said "Stop me, if you want." He didn't stop me. Instead he walked around to the other side of the desk. Picked me up onto the desk. He lifted my shirt then his. That's when............ I woke up. I had fallen asleep in his class. He asked me if I would see him after class. Of course I started blushing. I said I would..........

After class he asked me one question and one question only..... "How old are you?" "I'm 18" I could feel my face getting hot. He started getting up? He wrote something on the board it said,
"Go out with me tonight, I'll pick you up at 8?" I had no idea what to say. "I-I uhhhhhh"

Killian pov

I could tell she was nervous. But finally she gave in. She said yes. I can't believe I just asked out a student. I wrote her a note to get out of the rest of her classes to come and stay in my office while I teach. Just so she could sleep I knew she was tired. During passing period I went to check on her. She was asleep, but was shivering. I took off my jacket and put it over her. I didn't mean to but I woke her. "Sorry love, you were shivering"

Emma pov

He just called me love. I have no idea what to do. I wonder if it would be alright if I told him about Henry. Henry is my son. He was adopted but I'm allowed to see him. I had him when I was 16. Maybe if I tell Killian then he'll feel awkward and take me home. Well I don't exactly have a home anymore I sort of stay at my friend Ruby's house. Ruby can't know about Killian. She may be my best friend in the world but she can't know.

~~~~~~~~4 hours later~~~~~~~
Emma pov

"Wow" Killian told me. "You're not so bad yourself." I smirked. He had on a tux. He just styled his hair so that it just layed to the side. He's so damn sexy.

Once we got to the restaurant (making sure no one from school was there), he leaned in and our lips connected. He has just the softest lips ever.

Hey guys so I'm really excited for this story. It's just making me feel so proud. I never knew I would end up writing one of these.

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