Chapter 4

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Killian pov

Emma looked at me and tried to say something but hesitated. "Emma. Love, what's wrong."
"Nothing. It's just. There's something I haven't told you about me. I-I have a ummmm." She hesitated again. "Emma, what ever it is you can trust me. I know we've only been seeing each other for a couple days but, I trust you with my life. I want you to feel the same. So whatever it is just tell me. I promise I won't tell a soul." I said to her confidently.

Emma pov

"I have a son. His name is Henry he's two years old. Today is his birthday. I'm so sorry I should've told you sooner. But I-I just got scared of losing you." He stared at me with shock then said "Is there a birthday party going on? If so love, we need to go get him a present so you can introduce your dashing new boyfriend." I started crying with happy tears. "I love you." I whispered. I immediately regretted it until.........

Sorry short chapter

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