Chapter 24

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Killian pov

I had to go get the twins from Granny's so they could meet their niece. "Papa!" They both yelled running into my arms. "Hello my little ones." "Where momma" Charles yelled. (Charles is K.Js new name is didn't like kj so I changed it) I just smiled and held their hands until we got to the hospital room.

"Mommy!" "Sshhh the baby is sleeping." Molly reached for Emma so she could see the baby. "That's your niece. Her name is Addison. Do you want to hold her?" Violet said softly. We all knew she was tired. "Did you find out what happened with Baelfire?" I whispered to Emma not wanting to disturb anyone. She pulled me out of the room and gave me a look. I knew what that look was. He was gone. And gone for good. I hugged her. "We need to tell Henry." "Love are you sure you want to do that. His father died on the day of his daughters birth." She scoffed and went back into the room.

Emma pov

"Henry a word please?" Henry walked out of the room smiling. "Is it about dad?" "Yes lad." Henrys face went from smiling to tears. "Your father wanted you to have the best life. He wanted to have meaning in your life. He came back from the dead when he wasn't meant to. I'm so sorry." "So you, Robin,and Killian get to come back to life and are fine but when my real father comes back he dies. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT HIM. YOU J- you just wanted him gone." "Henry how could you say that to your mum? She cares about you so mu-" I cut Killian off. "No he wants to think that he can because he can't handle a fucking death. Well guess what you don't have to deal with it when I die." "FINE!" "FINE!" And with that I stormed out of the hospital with Killian behind me. "We could've avoided that, Swan." "Oh so your on his side now?"

Writers pov

And with that Emma walked away from Hook. "Swan that's not what I meant! I just meant that you shouldn't have told him so soon. I'm not taking anyone's side!" He yelled but she kept walking. "Please come back." He whispered on last time. He walked inside to say goodbye to his step-son.

Emma walked inside and fell to her knees crying. "What have I done?" She thought to herself. There was a knock at the door. "Emma open up please." Regina. "What do you want?" Emma said wiping away her tears and opening the door. "Henry told me you two got into a fight. What the hell Emma?! Why couldn't you just wait to tell him?! You need to get your ass down there and apologize before I make you." Regina yelled getting angry very fast. "No I did nothing wrong! I told the truth. And him not being able to except that is his problem. Not mine. And you are out of your damn mind if you think you can tell me what to do." Emma yelled slamming the door in Regina's face. Emma fell back down and cried into her knees. Another knock. "Mom? Mom I'm sorry I shouldn't have said those things I was just pissed off. I just wanted my dad back." Emma opened the door. Nobody was there. Henry wasn't there. She imagined the whole thing.

She cried herself to sleep but was woken up by the opening of her front door. "Swan? Swan it's me. I know you think im choosing Henrys side but I'm not. I will always be on your side. I'm with you. You know that. Just please let me in to our room." Emma opened the door and hugged Killian. "I'm sorry." He just didn't let go of her. "I know a way you can make it up to me." Killian said raising his eyebrow and smirking. "Alright fine. If I have to." She giggled as he carried her upstairs and onto the bed. They started going at it. "Careful where you point your sword. You'll hurt Selena." "Selena. I like it." She laughed and kissed him.

Once they left the house they walked to Granny's. "Love, don't you think it's time to apologize to Henry." "Yeah I guess you're right."


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