Chapter 5

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So, we stayed up all night watching scary movies and Disney movies. We were watching Lion King when I had a weird feeling someone was watching me.. This was an old cabin.. Someone or something could be out there..

Me: *constantly looking behind the couch and examining the room*

Slendy: Why are you doing that?

Me: I feel like someone's watching me..

*glass shatters*

Slendy: Mr. Widemouth.. Get out here right now.

*a small object comes walking up to Slendy*

Me: You look like a furby..

Mr. Widemouth: You are mean..

Me: Sorry.

Slendy: What are you doing here?

Mr. Widemouth: I just wanted to play with Angel..

Me: I'm not a kid..

Mr. Widemouth: Well you being short and baby faced it makes you look like a kid.

Me: I'm elf sized.. *squishes my cheeks* And adorable.

Mr. Widemouth: Elf size is right..

Me: Shut up.

Slendy: You can leave now.

Mr. Widemouth: Fine. *walks out the back door*

Me: Why do so many creepy guys want to play with me..

Jeff: Because they want to rape you.

Me: Oh! That fucking helps!

Jeff: Your welcome.

Me: Asshole..

Slendy: That is enough! Lets just continue watching the movie!

*everyone goes silent and watches the movie*

Jeff: Bitch..

Me: *slaps the back if his head* Ass..

Jeff: Whore..

Me: Rapist..

Jeff: Slut!

Me: Ugly!

*everyone gasps and stares at me*

Jeff: Why would you say such a thing?...

Me: Hey, I don't have mercy when it comes to insulting.

Masky: Well that was a little harsh..

Jeff: I am ugly..

Me: *slaps him* DON'T SAY THAT!

Jeff: Ow.. Okay.

Hoody: *passed out on the floor wakes up* What did I miss?

Slendy: These two CHILDREN were calling each other names. One of them over did it.

Me: Why don't you just say my name?

Hoody: Who were fighting?

Masky: Angel and Jeff..

Hoody: Ohh.. Jeff you shouldn't have done that.

Jeff: I didn't think she would over do it!

Me: You should know that I would have over done it! I always do!

Slendy: ENOUGH!

*everyone stops and looks at Slendy*

Slendy: Let's all get to bed. Right now!

*everyone gets up mumbling and walks to their rooms*

Me: *walks in my and Hoodys' room*

Hoody: Good night.. *flops onto his bed*

Me: *lays down on my bed and faces the wall* Good night.

*Next morning at 7:35*

Jeff: *pokes me with his knife*

Me: *wakes up and looks at him*

Jeff: Morning sunshine.

Me: Morning..

Jeff: Your not freaked out by this?

Me: You've done worse..


Jeff: *pokes me with his knife*

Me: *wakes up with him pinning me down to the bed* Jeff! Stop!

Jeff: *trying to spit on me*

Me: *yelling and trying to kick him off*

Jeff: *his spit is almost touching my cheek*

Me: *kicks him off*

Jeff: *goes flying and hits the floor* Ow!

Me: *wiping his spit of my face* Gross..

Jeff: *laughs and runs out the door*

Me: *gets up and goes chasing him around the house* YOU LITTLE SHIT! GET BACK HERE!

*end of flashback*

Jeff: Yeah.. I have.

Me: Well.. Can you get off?

Jeff: *holds up his knife* I'm going to give you a little "punishment" first.

Me: Punishment?

Jeff: *holds the knife against my wrist*

Me: Do it and I'll kill you.

Jeff: Fine. *puts the knife against my cheeks* I'll just make you have a frown instead..

Me: *scared out of my wits* Stop it.

Hoody: *walks in* Good mor-- *stares at Jeff* Jeffery.. Stop.

Jeff: *puts the knife away* I'll punish her.. But you won't be here to save her. *walks out the door staring at me*

Me: *rubbing my cheek where the knife had been* Ow..

Hoody: Are you okay?

Me: I'm fine.

Hoody: Good. *pulls out a scythe and smiles insanely* Because I want you to feel every. Little. Pain.

Me: *backs up against the wall*

Hoody: *jumps at me*


Sorry about not updating much.. I ran out of ideas.

I'll update tonight again.. Maybe.


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