Chapter 7

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"Me, Daryl, Glenn, Chey and Randall are going to have a look at this place." Rick announced later that evening. Lori came up and hugged him goodbye then we got into the car. I didn't miss the glare Shane sent me. I was squished in the middle seat as Rick drove and Randall was in the front with him.

We passed the little town, I could see the bodies were no longer there, just blood stains and clothes covered in blood. I looked away and turned my eyes back to the road.

"We're just under 10 minutes away, we should leave the car here so they dont see us coming." Rick said and we all got out. I grabbed my pistol and held in front of me in case we got jumped or whatever. I saw smoke rising above the trees, that could be their camp. Rick spotted it too and we began moving forwards.

I could hear the mumble of voices and stood behind a tree, looking around the trunk at the camp and saw they had tents and a few caravans. One caravan door slammed open and a woman stumbled out, she had obviously been beaten, her face was bloodied and bruised. She collapsed to the floor coughing and panting for air.

"Get up you worthless whore." A man stepped out of the caravan behind her, and kicked her when she didn't move.

I gritted my teeth and prepared my pistol, a hand landed on my shoulder to stop me doing anything stupid. I was pulled back as we quietly walked back to the car. I got in the passenger seat and slammed the door behind me and rested my feet on the dashboard like Rick hated. The others got in the car and we drove back to the farm.

Everyone got out and I went straight to the stables, I just wanted to be alone with Sol right now. I opened the stables and saw her pretty face. I led her out of the stable and used the fence to get onto her back before I rode into the forest.

The sun was just setting which cast an orange glow over everything, making the forest even more beautiful. We came to a little lake, I jumped off Sol and let her padle as I sat on the grass bank.

"I hope they can hold on tonight." I spoke to Sol as if she could understand me. She lifted her head and nodded like she was agreeing.

"I hope they don't loose hope." I murmured. I heard leaves crunching in the distance, I readied my gun, a figure stepped out from behind a tree.

"Who are you talking about?" Rick asked and I put my gun away. He'd obviously followed Sol's hoofprints to find me here. I looked back to the water, Sol had come to the bank and started grazing.

"The women at the camp. They've probably lost hope now, after that you just wish for death." I shrugged and felt Rick ait besides me. I could feel him staring at me, I just looked straight ahead.

"Have you ever lost hope?" He asked and I sighed.

"More than once. Its not even the whole apocalypse shit thats worrying. The dead are the easiest, its the living you have to watch out for." I shrugged and stood up, whistling Sol over. She perked her ears up and trotted over.

"I saw the way you looked at that woman. You tensed when she came out of the caravan, and when the man kicked her, you wanted to kill." He said.

"I guess I just want to help people who need help." He looked thoughtful. I turned away from him and started playing with Sol's mane. It needed pulling.

I knew what Rick wanted to ask, he delayed it for a few seconds.

"Have you-" before he finished I shrugged my jacket off and took my shirt off which left me in my sports bra, with my back still to him. I heard him take in a sharp breath, he moved closer and I was kind of glad it was semi-dark.

"I just dont want anyone to go through what I did." I said and pulled on my shirt, covering my scars. I turned back around and was pulled into a hug. No words needed to be exchanged, Rick's grip on me was tight, I knew it mant he was there for me. I hadn't even realised I'd started crying until Rick told me to let it all out, so I did. In what felt like forever, I truly poured all my hurt and anger and regret out, onto Rick's shirt.

After a while, all my tears were gone and I pulled away from Rick.

"I wont let that happen again. You're family now." He said and I nodded.

"You good?" He asked a little while later.

"Better, thanks. Sorry about your shirt." I laughed a little bit and he smiled.

"Lets get back." I grabbed Sol's leadrope and followed Rick. It was now dark, I placed Sol in her stall and kissed her goodnight before me and Rick walked back to the farmhouse. I stopped Rick on the porch and faced him.

"I... I don't want to face them." I said and he nodded.

"Theres a back door we can use." He said and we went that way. I went in before him and said goodnight before walking up the stairs.

"We're going after that group at first light, okay?" He said and I nodded and continued my quest to my room where I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep straight away.


Sorry for the absentness but this chapter


hope you liked it anyway lololol

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