Chapter 5

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The next day me, Rick and Glenn were going on a run. We needed more supplies like clothes, and food if we could find any. We loaded the car with our weapons before setting off to the nearest town.

"When we get there we stick together in case we run into trouble, okay?" Rick said, me and Glenn nodded.

We reached the little town and got out of the car. I strapped my rifle on my back and had a hand ready on my pistol, just in case.

"Okay we'll look in those 3 shops first, they're close together so we can all look in one each then meet outside once we've found stuff okay?" Rick said and we nodded before heading to the shops. The door to my shop was already open, I walked straight in, but my foot got caught on something. I looked down to see a thin piece of wire strung across the doorway.

"Son of a-" a hand clamped over my mouth and I was dragged backwards out of the shop. My hand wrapped around my pistol, I shot whoever was holding me in the foot. They screamed and let me go. I turned around and pointed my gun to their face.

"Who are you?" I spat and walked closer to them.

"Please... please don't hurt me." The man begged with tears. I lowered my gun, he stopped crying and pleading and tried to grab my gun, but my grip was too strong. I shot, the bullet went into his chest and he fell to the floor. His blood spurted over my body, it didn't faze me anymore.

"Chey?" I turned around to see Rick looking at the person lying on the floor in their own pile of blood.

"The shops are rigged." I said and holstered my gun. Rick hadn't gone into his shop yet and Glenn was just about to.

"Well aren't you clever." I heard a voice behind me as two men jumped out from hiding places, grabbing Rick and Glenn. My hands were roughly shoved behind my back before I had a chance to reach my weapons. My rifle, pistol and knife were taken off me and I saw them getting shoved into some skinny dudes arms.

"My my, aren't you pretty. Say you come with us, and we'll let your friends go, and I'll forget about you killing one of my men." The man whispered in my ear and I internally cringed.

"How about no." I said, the man paused before he kicked the back of my knees, sending me to the ground.

"Then I'll guess I'll have to kill your friends over there, see if that changes your mind." He chuckled and his friends holding Rick and Glenn pressed guns to their heads. Rick was shaking, probably out of fury and Glenn just looked terrified.

"Fine." I muttered.

"Hmm. What was that?" The man asked. I gritted my teeth and repeated myself, but louder.

"Hey look at that fellas. We got ourselves a new toy! Put her in the car and kill the others." He said and pushed me towards the skinny dude who was holding all my weapons. Was he really that dumb? In a split second I wrenched my pistol from skinny dude and shot the two guys holding Rick and Glenn. Their bodies fell to the floor, but I didn't take notice. I spun around and aimed my gun at the guy who was holding me, he actually looked scared.

"How about that deal now?" I asked and kept moving towards him, he kept backing up. He pulled his pistol on me but I shot it from his hand before he had the chance to aim it, then shot him in the head.

I turned back to skinny guy who had dropped all my weapons in a state of shock, and was stood there frozen.

"You wanna join them?" I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Please... I'm- I'm not like them... don't kill me..." He stuttered and bowed his head in surrender. I decided what to do with him, before butting him with the handle of my gun, knocking him out.

I turned back to Rick and Glenn.

"Are we done here?" I asked and picked up the skinny guys unconcious form and threw him in the back seat of the car.

Rick and Glenn grabbed their weapons from the dead bodies and got in the car with me. I could tell Glenn was a little shaken up but I wouldn't hurt him, or anyone in our group.

Except Shane. He's a dick.

"So um, why is this guy with us?" Glenn asked as Rick began to drive.

"Information. He's not dangerous, we'll question him when he wakes up. Shove him in the stables or something." I said and put my feet on the dashboard. Rick gave me a disapproving look but didn't say anything.

We arrived back at the farm. I was a little pissed as we didn't manage to gather much material. Rick got out of the car and Glenn followed. I sighed and grabbed the unconcious boy from the back.

"Jesus what happened to you." Lori asked when she looked at me. Everyone else looked at me, then to the dude who was slung over my shoulder, then to Rick who just shrugged and walked off.

"Trouble." Was all I said before walking to the stables and setting him down in the stall. It was like deja vu, I tied his wrists and ankles like Shane had to me before leaving. Sol nickered, I kissed her nose on the way out and shut the stable door.

I looked down to my body, I was covered in blood though none of it was mine. I walked over to the group where Rick was talking to the people.

"We'll just wait for Chey- ah there you are. I was just telling everyone about a meeting I'm holding tonight to discuss what we're doing with that guy." He said and I nodded before walking past him and into the house. I was looking around for Beth when I heard her in her room.

"Beth?" I asked and knocked on the door. She opened it a few seconds later and gasped.

"Oh my gosh! Are you hurt?" She asked worriedly and I shook my head.

"No but could I borrow some clothes? If that's okay." I asked.

"Yes! Come I'll find you something." She said and gestured for me to go into her room. She rooted around in her closet, pulling out a polo shirt and jeans and handing them to me.

"The shower does work but it's only cold water." She said and I nodded. I headed to the bathroom for a well needed wash.

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