Chapter One - The Alpha In Me, Partly Prolouge

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The Alpha In Me


Chapter 1: The Inevitable Question

Running as fast as I could, I caught up with the pack, my fluffy ears obscured my vision and my thick fur blew in the frosty wind. The feeling of just running free was immense. As we disappeared into the darkness of the trees I lost contact with the others, I stopped and looked around, no one. But I ran further looking for them. I swerved from tree to tree, my leathery paws scuttled through the rotten, dead undergrowth. I was concentrating on the area ahead of me. I didn't think of looking where I was running, I stumbled over a broken tree, I lied still, my fragile body sunk into the musky, dead leaves around me. In the distance the echoing sound of howling hummed behind the noise of cracking sticks, it didn't sound like my pack. I submerged myself into the leaves under me and curled up. Faster than the eye could see, a pack of wolves ran past me, they stopped at a clearing.

I slowly lifted up myself and looked through a rotted section of a fallen tree, they weren't my pack, but I was on their territory. Father told me about other wolves, the things they do to intruders, I was an intruder! As I watched, they began shrieking hysterically, their dark fur changed into a pale color, they grew taller and taller, their fur began to shrivel and the faces sculpted into something different. Something like a human...


...The den was scarce, cold and uninviting, the leaves of trees has embossed themselves into the ground beneath me. Fallen twigs rolled away from us as we cowered into the corner. The eyes of death were watching our every move. My paws had an unnerving coldness to them and the tips of my ears were numb. It was a cold night.

..."I don't want hurt you, or them, just tell me what you know" The words caught my breath. My parents, the Alphas, were stood over me, protecting my tiny body from the other pack. "Your son, he saw things, he trespassed"..."Someone has to pay, let's call it, insurance" Insurance, what did I do that was so wrong. He looked into my eyes, I looked right into his. His eyes were black just like death himself. He looked back up to my parents.

"Never, you are not taking any of my pups, I won't allow it" Barked my mother, she knew by his look towards our direction.

The opposing Alpha darted his eyes back towards me and my siblings "Why would I want pups, I want-" His eyes darted to my father, "Him!" He growled at us. Tension raised in the room.

My father didn’t take his eyes of us, he began his words with a cringe "Shall it be"

My mother gasped in shock, she disapproved, "No, you stupid bastard, you aren't taking my him, you can shove your insurance up your-" Like a shot an opposing Lota's jaw was surrounding my mother's neck. His pearly teeth blended in with her fur. She let out a shriek of fear, my father jumped towards her but another Lota grabbed him by his back legs, he was slowly dragged out of the den, he barked and bit but he wasn't released. He looked back at us, his amber colored eyes gave us hope, but was there even any for us?

I turned back to my mother, she laid next to us three, she whimpered, blood ran from her neck streaming down her body. I tried to howl for help, no one came. I lapped the blood of my mother, I don't know whether it was helping, but I continued. The taste of blood, it seemed faked, metallic but I liked it.

Suddenly my pack emerged from the surrounding foliage, our uncle, the Beta trembled, "What's happened, where's your father Echo" His eyes looked upon my, wolves ran around me aiding my mother. The three Thetas from our pack picked me, my sister and my brother up by our necks and took us to our den.


From our den I could hear the packed growling and barking "The Daretly pack are going to pay for this!", it sounded like my uncle.

Things aren't going to end well. The Jadeson pack, we never give up without a fight.

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