Chapter Two - The Jadeson Pack

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The Alpha In Me


Chapter 2: The Jadeson Pack

Us Jadeson's have been around for the last hundred years, we don't have a very heroic origin, but we look out for each other. We definitely aren't the most popular pack, but we don't have any real enemies.

In my pack there's loads of roles we have to play, each with it's own responsiblites. There's Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Epsilons, Thetas, Lotas, Kappas, Sigams, Taus, Upsilons, Omegas and Pups!

I'm not allowed to use my elder's names, but I don't really know them anyway especially the Sigma's names. Most of our pack are related to each other in some sort of way, I think that's what makes us such a good pack, we’re bonded in a sacred way.


That night our pack arrived home with some food, mmm deer, not my usual food but I'm old enough to eat it now. The sky was dark, as dark as death itself, the glaced moon was high, it must be time for the meeting soon... After my dinner I headed back to where my mother was being aided, she had almost made a full recovery,

"Son, hello Echo dear, I'm almost better" my mother's voice my dry and course. I hated seeing her in that state i felt as if i should have been in her situation. I thanked everyone for helping my mother, I couldn't of managed without her, no way.

My aunt gave a giggle of joy "No Echo you're the one who saved your mother's life, you cleared the wound before it became poisoned” My heart thumped and my paws tingled

I began thinking in my own little world. I had no idea, a strange feeling rushed through my body - I felt relieved, and proud - Then my aunt snapped me back to what I was doing, to the real world

"Echo you must return to the den, I'm sure your mother will manage, she will be with you in the morning. Echo, are you worried about your father?"

I didn't say anything I just looked into her eyes, she looked very pity-full, but always maintained her jolly look.

"Don't worry, the boys will find him, or there's going to be a lot of trouble..."

My aunt exchanged glances with my mother, things were getting awkward, I turned back out of their den and headed to my den, most of the pack had decided to all to do night guard. All of my sisters and brothers were in the den, I rare see them much, they're always training and what have you. I didn't speak, they didn't speak. I just looked at them and they looked back. It was as if our eyes were connected by a piece of string we didn't seem to loose eye connection.

I snuggled up with my twins and drifted into a sleep, will my mother actually survive, will my father be saved, will I be able to make it through my harsh pup years without my parents...

Sorry for the short chapter (but look out soon as there will be an update here) :D

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