4. That Act Right

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*Explicit Material*
Chris POV

When I got out of my car at IHOP I saw my wife hugged up with some dude.
She didn't see me until I got out and started walking up to her.
She was smiling real hard until she saw me coming. Her smile faded away as soon as we made eye contact.

"Beyoncé what the fuck?" I asked when I reached her.

She rolled her eyes.

"Chris, this is my FRIEND Jay. Jay, this is my husband Chris." She said putting emphasis on the word friend.

He reached his hand out to dap me up but I wasn't having. I smacked his hand away and waved him off.

Beyoncé sighed and said "Jay, you can go ahead back to the hospital I'm going to ride back with Chris. Thanks again for the lunch".

Jay eyed me and then Beyoncé.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah nigga she sure" I answered for her.

He eyed Bey again and she nodded.
He hopped in his car and drove off.

I turned and looked at Bey in disgust.
I grabbed her by her arm and started dragging her toward my car... Well her car that I've been driving.

"Really Beyoncé?" I asked still dragging her until she yanked her arm back.

"I'm a grown ass woman Christopher. And I don't know who the hell you putting your hands on like that!" She yelled.

"Beyoncé you know if that was me you would've had a bitch fit!" I yelled right back.

We are standing here yelling back and forth. We definitely look like 2 idiots arguing in the parking lot.

"I told you he is just a friend but you're too damn insecure to believe me!" she yelled then rolled her eyes. I started to say something but she put her hand up signally me to stop.

"Do you trust me?" She asked in a calm tone.
"Yes Beyoncé. It's not you, it's these niggas I don't trust." I responded.

"Whatever." She said as she tried to walk past me to the car but I grabbed her again.

"Don't touch me Chris." She said very calmly.
I spun her around and gave her a hug.
"Chris let me go." she said trying to get out of my grasp.

I grabbed her chin and kissed her lips, surprisingly she kissed back.

"You're mine, Bey.." I whispered to her.
I let her go and got in the drivers seat of her Lexus.

((Got a new Lx460 ain't no keys in this doohickey!))

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((Got a new Lx460 ain't no keys in this doohickey!))

I pulled up to the hospital to drop bey off. She barely let the car come to a complete stop before she hopped out and slammed the door.

Damn. I have to teach her ass a lesson tonight.
I smirked at my thought.

*****Bey POV

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I walked in the house still pissed off. I can't believe he embarrassed me like that. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked through my purse until I found it.

Jigga 😈🔥

I laughed at his name and then opened the message.

Jigga 😈🔥: sorry if I got you in trouble with your man 😂

I rolled my eyes then responded.

Bey 👑😍: 🤔 boy please I'm grown 😂
Jigga 😈🔥: if you say so 😂

I laughed to myself and continued up the steps.

I saw Chris sitting on the sofa in our bedroom. I rolled my eyes and walked past him.

"You don't see me sitting here, Bey?" He asked.
"Yeah I saw you" I scoffed.
"Where my hug?" He asked in a goofy voice.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Get out my face Chris" I said.

He walked up behind and put his lips on my neck as he slid his hand it my pants.
"Mm... Stopppp" I said grabbing his hand.
He didn't stop though.

I kept fighting him off until he slid a finger in.
I gasped. "Chris" I whispered.

He spun me around and lifted me up holding on to my ass.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and he slammed me against the wall.
We started having a rough make out session but I like it rough.

He let me down from the wall and undressed me while I undressed him.

He pushed me on the bed then got on top of me ramming himself inside of me.

"Fuck Chris" I moaned.
He kept going hard pounding in and out.
"It's mine Bey" he grunted.
I nodded hella times.
"Say it!" He yelled and I flinched.
"It's yours" I moaned.

"That's right" he whispered, "I don't like to share bey"
"Yes Chris" I moaned.
"I don't like that nigga around you" he said.
"Chris he's just a friend. Shut up and fuck me" I said getting annoyed with all his talking.

He continued to fuck me hard until we both climaxed.

He collapsed on top of me still panting.
"Don't let me see that shit again" he said in a stern voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Christopher, I'm grown. And I will do what I want" I said with attitude. "You're acting like I did something for you not to trust me like this!" I yelled limping my way to the guest bedroom because he just put it on me.

I heard him yell my name a few times but I ignore him and locked the door.

We can't even fuck without arguing. I thought to myself and laughed.

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