31. Rockedt (pt. I)

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"Please, let me show you how sorry I am." He whispered in my ear sending chills through my body.

"Jay I-I can't."

"You can."

Next thing I know, Jay's tongue is down my throat as he struggles to unlock his front door.

How we got here is a blur. It all happened too fast.

Once he got it opened we hurried inside and I had my back against the door as he kissed all over my neck.

I moaned when he ran his tongue over my sweet spot.

He pulled my shirt over my head and dropped my pants to my ankles. Leaving me in my sky blue lingerie.

I just stood there and let it happen, these pregnancy hormones wasn't turning down anything.

He lifted me up by my thighs and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Mmm" I moaned when I felt his hard on me.

He walked us to, what I assume is his bed room, and laid me down on the bed.

I looked up only to be scared shitless when I saw my own reflection.
"Damn." I looked at Jay as he quickly undressed himself.

He climbed on top of me, kissing and sucking on my neck again. I held his head, moaning softly every time is tongue slid across my spot.

He started grinding is front on my front and I wasn't here for it.

"Why must you tease me?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Sorry baby girl."

Immediately after that he slid my panties down and tossed them. He rubbed his finger around my area and smirked, "I did that?"

I bit my lip. "Yes, daddy."

He put one finger inside of me and I could've came right there. "Damn."

He started off slow then added another finger and started fingering me vigorously.

"Uhh shhhiiit,"

"Feels good baby?" Jay asked me.

I nodded. "Y-Yes! So fucking good!"

"I told you ima show you how sorry I am." He said as he positioned his head in between my legs. "Let me spell it out for you."

He started to spell out 'sorry' with his tongue.

"Ah fuck Shawn." I moaned grabbing his head, guiding him.

"You forgive me baby?"

"Yes daddy, YES!"
I bit hard on my bottom lip. "Shit. Put your name on it daddy."

He proceeded to spell out his name, Shawn Corey Carter.

"Fuuucckkk!" I shrieked and started grinding my hips in his face.

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