22. Hot & Bothered

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I am officially 8 weeks pregnant. I'm barely showing though. You wouldn't know I was pregnant until I told you.

My mind drifted to who the father of my child might be.

A part of me doesn't want to know. Part of me just wants to move out of LA and raise my child alone.
That would create less drama, or so I thought.

But in reality I know I can't do that.
It's not fair to my child and it's not fair to their father either.

I don't know what to do. I've even had thoughts of getting rid of it.

I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head. I can't kill an innocent child because of my wrong doings.

I looked up in attempt to blink my tears away.

I can't cry over this anymore. No amount of my tears will change what happened.
I made a mistake that I have to live with for the rest of my life.
But I refuse to resent my child, who did nothing wrong.

Gaining the strength, I wiped my face and got out of the car.

I got the early appointment so I can go to work afterwards.

I locked my doors and walked into the doctors office.

I laid back as Dr. Smith rubbed the cold stuff on my stomach.

"Sorry it's a little cold." She chuckled.

"It's fine."

She started rubbing the wand around on my stomach and a baby popped up on the screen.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

I heard the little heart beat and it is a beautiful flutter sound. It is the most beautiful music I've ever heard in my life.

"Okay Ms. Knowles, this is your baby." She said pointing at the screen.

"Awww" I cooed, wiping the stray tears that fell.

"This is the head, the body, the legs, and the arms." She said pointing at different parts of the little peanut on the screen.

I smiled at the screen, nothing feels better than knowing you have life inside of you. This is my baby, I created this.

"Okay, I'm going to print the pictures out and prescribe you some vitamins. They simply assist with the growth and development of the fetus."

"Thank you."

She brought the pictures back and all I could do was smile.

It was truly beautiful.

"Enjoy the rest of your day." She told me.

"You too."

I walked out and put my pictures in my purse and went to CVS to get these vitamins she prescribed for me.

Well, since I'm here I might as well get some snacks.

I started picking up all types of things, you'd think I was having a party.

Doctor Knowles {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now