12. I Got a Feeling That You Might Be...

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April 27

Ugh here we go again, I thought as I hopped out of my bed to puke.

It's 3:30 in the morning and I'm feeling really nauseous. And I just had a feeling last week that something was up.

I'm no expert (lmao yes I am) but I know something is going on.

And the way it's looking... I might be pregnant.

I groaned as I picked myself up off of the floor.
I brushed my teeth and got in the shower.

By the time I got out of the shower, it was 4:00 so I went back to sleep.

Looking through my closet I found something simple to throw on.
I'm not in the mood to be all extra today. Shocking, I know.

((Outfit attached))

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((Outfit attached))

I grabbed my phone and a bottle of water from the fridge and made my way to my off-white Lexus.

I grabbed my phone and a bottle of water from the fridge and made my way to my off-white Lexus

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I pulled up to the clinic and hopped out.
I gulped hard before walking in.

As soon as I walked in I immediately regretted it.

"BB IS THAT YOU?!" Tenitra screamed from the other side of the waiting room.

I groaned internally and forced a smile on my face.

"Hey Ni-Ni, what's up?"
"Girl nothing, trying to treat my burns" she said whispering the last part.

"I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT!" I yelled mocking her tone when she first saw me.

She continued trying to talk to me until I cut her off.
"Tenitra, let me sign in real quick." I said not trying to sound rude but damn.

She nodded and walked away.
I gave the lady at the desk all of my information and took a seat next to Tenitra.

"Girl what you here for anyways?" She asked me.

I knew her nosey ass was going to ask.

"It's time for a check up" I lied.

"Oh.." She said then paused.
"Tell me why I saw YOUR Chris with some  bitch!"

"Oh really?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

To be honest I can't get mad because I've been all over town with this dude and I haven't even tried to hide it.

"Girrrrlll..." She started but was cut off by the nurse.

"Beyoncé Knowles?" She called out and I stood up.

"I'll be back Ni-Ni" I said before turning and walking away.

"You can have a seat in room number 4 and the doctor will be right with you" she said pointing in the direction of room 4.

I smiled and nodded.

A few minutes later the doctor walked in.

"Hey Ms. Knowles, what seems to be the problem?" She asked.
"I've been feeling really nauseous, and I don't really trust drug store pregnancy tests." I responded.

"Well that's fine. I just need a sample of your urine." She said handing me a little cup.

I went to the bathroom and came back and handed her the cup.

She told me she'll be right back and left.

I'm feeling really anxious right now.

The doctor came back in and smiled at me.

"Congratulations Ms. Knowles, you are with child."

There was a pause.

"4 weeks to be exact"

I don't know what God is trying to prepare me for, but I know everything in my life is for a reason. But, WOW, this is crazy!

Doctor Knowles {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now