Darcy Lewis Meets Daredevil

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Darcy trudges up the stairs to her brother's apartment building, huffing and puffing while yanking on the leather leash in hand when her dog gets distracted and tries walking in the opposite direction

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Darcy trudges up the stairs to her brother's apartment building, huffing and puffing while yanking on the leather leash in hand when her dog gets distracted and tries walking in the opposite direction.

"No you don't, Griffin," she huffs and yanks on the pitbull's leash once more. "Come on. It's only two more flights and then you can slobber all over your uncle's belongings." The brown pitbull with a white chest, cropped ears, and eyes that shine an almost eerie silver sneezes and then snuffles, and Darcy grins down at him. "Shush, boy. You're not supposed to be in here. If you get us caught, we'll be kicked out."

The two flights of stairs take a bit longer to ascend what with Griffin fighting her every couple of steps and the straps to her overly large tote bag slipping from her shoulder, but she makes it to the top floor and raps a quick tempo against the apartment door. She's not actually sure her brother is home, but after waiting several long seconds, the apartment door is pulled open.

"Matty!" She squeals and watches as her brother flinches, he quickly zipping up a dark blue hoodie over his bruised bare upper torso. "Still saving the world one sleazebag at a time, I see," she then says, eyeing the cut on the bridge of his nose.

"Darcy," he grins, brows furrowing before his blank eyes glance downward. "Do you have a dog?"

"Yeppers! Matt, meet Griffin. Griffin, your uncle Matt." She pushes her way inside the apartment, dragging Griffin with her and then letting go of his leash once the door is shut behind them. "Sorry to intrude, but I have a huge favor to ask."

"I'm not watching your dog."

"Good to know, but that's not the favor," she says. "I, uh, I need a place to stay for a while."

Matt's grin slips into a frown, his hands tucking themselves into his hoodie's pockets. "Why, what happened?"

"The tower's about to become a war zone," she shrugs and grasps Matt by the elbow to drag him with her towards his sitting area. "The Avengers are dividing up and I'm not about to choose a side when we all know that once this blows over, they'll all be best friends again. I rather not pick a side and strain any friendships."

"Is this something I need to be worried about?" Matt's worry is enough to make Darcy smile, she chuckling as she sits on his couch. Griffin walks up to her and she un-clips his leash, he then headbutting Matt's knees and demanding to be pet when he sits. "I mean, superheros dividing up seems like a big deal," he amends and pets the dog when pushing it's head away doesn't deter him.

Darcy sighs. "Yes.. and no. After Sokovia, there's a lot of pissed off government officials. The government wants to- sort of- leash all superheros and tell them which missions they're allowed to see through. And with Tony still feeling tons of guilt over Ultron, he agrees."

"But the others don't?" Matt guesses.

"Some don't. Steve, for sure, does not agree. He flat out told Tony that if any civilian lives are in danger, he's rushing in with or without the government's approval. The team's splitting up, half on Tony's side and half on Steve's. I really rather not be at the tower and forced to choose a side which will only result in ruining friendships."

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