Darcy Lewis Meets the Punisher

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Darcy's having a good day, a spectacular day really, but apparently the Fates don't want her to have too much of a good thing

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Darcy's having a good day, a spectacular day really, but apparently the Fates don't want her to have too much of a good thing. The Scientists Three had been tossing a scientific idea back and forth in their shared lab, their ramblings eventually becoming too much for Darcy to keep up with. And after her umpteenth sigh, Jane absentmindedly sent Darcy on her way to retrieve lunch.

So it's really just her luck that when she returns back to Stark Tower on a pleasantly full stomach, a bag of sandwiches in one hand and a tray of drinks in the other, she's immediately summoned to one of SI's conference rooms by Tony's AI.

"Miss Lewis, Miss Potts is requesting your presence in Conference Room A."

"Aw, JAR, no," she whines. "I'm still riding the food tummy high. It's nap time, if Jane doesn't need me that is."

"I apologize, Miss Lewis, but it appears urgent."

"Alright, fine," she huffs. "Take me to your leader." She watches as the button lit up for the floor of the labs changes to that of the floor of conference rooms, and sighs wistfully at the thought of her lost nap time. When the doors ding open, she wastes no time in heading straight for Conference Room A and comes to a short stop when she notices not only Pepper, but Tony and two official looking men in suits. "Um, this is Conference Room A, isn't it?"

Tony smirks at her. "Sure is, kid. Now step on in and explain to us why the FBI wants to question you."

Darcy snorts, but when the expressions of the two supposed FBI agents don't falter, her eyes widen behind her black framed glasses and she stumbles forward to place the items in her hands on the nearest table. "I, uh, I don't actually know why they want to speak with me," she admits, glancing between the mocha skinned agent and the Hispanic agent. "What exactly is going on?"

The Hispanic agent steps forward, his slicked hair giving him a douche-y vibe, but the kind smile easily contradicts that. "Miss Lewis, I'm agent Hernandez and my partner is agent Williams. We have some questions that we believe you can answer for us." His bald, mocha colored companion smiles as well, but he seems rather bored with the situation at hand.

"Oh, um, alright..?"

Pepper steps forward, hands clasped behind her back and oozing authority. "Is Miss Lewis in any sort of trouble? Because if so, she's an employee here at Stark Industries and since you sought her out on SI property, we need to know whether or not we need to get in contact with our lawyers."

"No trouble, only questions, I assure you," agent Hernandez says. "But if you'd like, Miss Lewis can have a friend sit in with her if she wishes it so or if she wants to keep these matters private, then she can do that as well."

Pepper looks to Darcy who shrugs in response, and then Darcy looks to Tony who looks a little too gleeful about what's going on. "Um, I'd like to know what this is about before I decide whether or not I want someone present with me."

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