The 100 AU

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Author's Note: First off, I apologize in advance for any and all mistakes

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Author's Note: First off, I apologize in advance for any and all mistakes. I've been sitting on this particular ficlet for a while and decided to finally post it whether I like it or not. The reason for me holding this back is because this particular ficlet is COMPLETELY AU! I'm serious, there's no Marvel 'verse in here even though I'm using Marvel characters. In fact, everyone is part of The 100 'verse.

With that being said, there will be NO SUPERPOWERS! However, Steve will have his muscular form and Bucky will have both flesh arms.

This might sound odd, but just read. Hopefully I can pull this off with how I'm thinking it. Also, there will be grounder!speak in this. At first, I had the translations at the bottom, but I didn't want you scrolling back and forth to see what is going on so the English translation will be in () at the time it's being spoken. Got it?


Ark 2 was fairly legendary for housing what everyone thought were the miscreants of Earth. No one knew how the less fortunate or the extremely shady individuals managed to board the pod stations set on course for space when the Nuclear Apocalypse started, but they did.

Twenty-four stations floated through space and watched from afar as Earth was destroyed. Then one by one, stations started coming together and forming one large station. The Ark- as they took to calling themselves- was picky with who they let join the one large station, which then forced the remaining twelve to band together. Only what no one expected was for Ark 2 to breed some of the most intelligent, strongest, and talented individuals.


"Are you sure Earth is safe?" Steve asks. "We're still several years away from when the planet should be clear of all radiation."

"Ark 1 fell months ago," Tony yawns. "In the beginning, when Ark 1 first sent their supposed criminal children down, Bruce picked up a few of the children's radio signals from Earth. It's livable down there, but that's as much as Bruce picked up before a storm interrupted said signals."

"So why is only a small group going down first if we know it's already livable?"

"Because the elder generation are entitled assholes," Tony shrugs. "I don't know, Captain Rogers. All I know is that Howard and Odin have been tasked with putting a team together to send down and prepare a spot for when the rest of the Ark follows. They want the younger generation- the muscles!- to do all the hard work for them."

Steve snorts, crossing his arms over his chest. "You know Buck won't stay behind, even if it means he'll take my spot as the Head of Security."

"Yeah, I know, which is why Sergeant Barnes will be part of the team as well. Chancellor Frigga has assigned Heimdall as Captain in your absence and Nick as Sergeant, so that's that. The rest of our team will include Thor, Bruce, Pepper, Natalia, Clint, Sif, Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg. Coulson will be tagging along to keep an eye on us as a handler of sorts."

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