Darcy Lewis Meets Hitman: Agent 47

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Author's Note: Excuse the butchering of these fabulous characters

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Author's Note: Excuse the butchering of these fabulous characters.

Looking back to a time before they'd made final decisions about where they were going to spend a week for vacation, Darcy realizes what a mistake it was to let their guards down so greatly. Especially at one of Tony's pronounced private islands, which was really only a small part of said island that still housed several hundred locals on the other side. (Seriously, they needed to learn their lesson that anything including Tony Stark was never safe).

The Avengers and their plus ones had planned to enjoy the day on their expansive piece of beach by cooking out and enjoying the waves, but Darcy knew better that today was going to be anything but fun. So being who she was, Darcy learned to trust her instincts and mentally thanked Queen Frigga that she had packed her weapons beneath all her clothes for a situation such as this.

Everyone had been getting ready for the beach, slipping into their trunks and bikinis; all but Darcy who claimed she had a headache and would meet everyone outside within an hour after she'd taken some medicine. And while everyone went outside, Darcy locked herself away in her room and sat on the edge of her bed. Breathing deeply, she centered herself and listened to what her senses were telling her.

Darcy sat for several minutes, letting her mind run wild with possible scenarios of what can happen. Then coming to the realization that there was no way around it, Darcy had opened up her suitcase and dug out a black vest gun holster. She slipped it on, tightening it as tight as it would go over her shoulders before slipping in two black .45's at the small of her back. Her hair is pulled up into a tight ponytail, and a baggy purple and pink plaid shirt went on over the holster to hide it (she was very thankful her second shirt hid the holster perfectly well), and Darcy tightened the laces on her boots so they wouldn't fall off.

And when she had joined the others outside, it was to the boo's from the men and Pepper wondering why Darcy had opted for a shirt and shorts instead of a swimsuit. But at her tight-lipped smile, Jane had swooped in and dragged off Darcy to the side. The two of them had only had several minutes to chat in hushed whispers about what was going on before several helicopters flew overhead before circling back and hovering. And while everyone had put all their attention on the air crafts- Tony scoffing about goddamn paparazzi- no one saw the numerous men swarming from inside and around the house, and demanding everyone to their knees with rifles pointed at all of them.

With the minimum of grumbling, Darcy lowers to her knees just behind Bucky who'd stepped in front of her, and next to Jane who had stepped up behind Thor. Pepper is grabbed up fairly quickly, she struggling the entire way even as Tony's thunderous voice threatens to kill each and every one of them. A gun is placed at Pepper's temple and Tony's quick to quiet down.

A white man steps forward, smug grin in place and dark eyes drinking in the sight of the Avengers on their knees in a half circle. "If Thor so much as twitches a finger for his hammer, a bullet goes in her pretty little skull," he says with a slight German accent as he points at Pepper. "If the Winter Soldier's arm so much as whirs or Doctor Banner turns green around the gills, a bullet will go in her skull. If anyone so much as flexes a muscle, a bullet will go in her skull. Do I make myself clear?"

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