Darcy Lewis Meets The Walking Dead

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Darcy's doing her normal rounds of feeding the Scientists and making sure they're taking their breaks when Maria Hill seeks her out.

"Lewis!" She calls out, sticking her head into Doctor Foster's lab. "Still interested in some fresh air?"

The woman in question perks up, grinning, whereas Jane frowns at the idea of her friend leaving the tower. "Uh, yeah! What's the sitch?"

"Walk with me."

Jane makes her displeasure known for Darcy leaving the safety of the tower, but Darcy merely waves off her friend's concern. "I'll be fine, Janie. Promise! Now get back to work. I'll see you before we leave."

The petite astrophysicist pouts and whines, but the curvaceous brunette laughs as she hurriedly follows after Maria. Catching up to the older woman, Darcy grins at her. "What's going on?"

"An old HYDRA facility in Washington, D.C has just been brought back online." Maria brings up her Stark tablet from where she had it gripped by her hip, she then tapping away at the screen to show Darcy aerial views of where she'll be going. "We don't have access to the cameras inside, but their motion detectors have been going off like crazy."

"The undead couldn't have just busted down a glass door or something?"

Maria shrugs. "They could have, but would the dead be able to start turning on the electricity?"

"Ah. I see."

"Yeah. While we are aware people are just trying to survive nowadays, we can't take the risk of these people actually being HYDRA and starting up their work again."

"Okay. So who's on the team?"

"Just you, Cap, the Sarge, and a few of the legionnaires," Maria tells her. "The boys will be dealing with the individuals responsible for this trip and determining whether or not they're threats, and you'll be tasked with being the friendly face and food supplier if it turns out they're good people."

"And if they're not good people?" By now, she and Maria have made it to the tower's pantry where a group of workers are packing a few boxes full of food and drinks.

"If they're HYDRA, they'll be brought in as usual and locked away until pickup. But if they're regular bad people, they'll be sedated and stripped of their weapons before being dropped off in the Dead Zone with only a week's worth of supplies. The good folks will be coming home with you."

Darcy nods, lips pursed in thought. "Sounds easy. When do we leave?"

"Wheels up in an hour. You're in charge of getting the supplies needed onto the quinjet and then you need to change into the appropriate clothing."

"Good deal, boss. I won't let you down."


With the new and improved quinjets- thanks, Tony!- the flight from Manhattan to Washington, D.C is just under thirty minutes. Darcy waited patiently in her seat, checking her rifle and then absentmindedly braiding her hair over her shoulder just to give herself something to do.

The facility soon comes into view, but Bucky flies right over it and Darcy grins as the engines quiet to a nearly indistinguishable purr. They land just on the other side of the woods that sits at the facility's back- a good ways away from said facility- and lower the jet's ramp so three guards from Tony's Iron Legion march on out to secure a perimeter.

"Keep an ear out on the comms," Steve tells her. He, Bucky, and Darcy stand at the edge of the ramp, listening as repulsors whir and shoot at what they know are the undead walking around. "We're going to go in and secure everyone as quickly and delicately as possible so they know we're not the bad guys here."

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