Girls Aloud - 3 Years Later Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

Cont. Nicola's POV

I found myself at the local supermarket later that morning, I tended to go to stick to the local places as I'd been coming here for ages and it wasn't such a fiasco so the locals that I was a regular here anymore. After all I think everyone should be able to shop for milk in peace... Just saying.

i was looking through an aisle for that particular brand of coffee that Charlie liked, he was so fussy.  I finally located it on the shelf when I was distracted by a familiar American accent coming from the front of the store.

"I told you already!" He said in a stern tone. "I've already paid for these items, I came back because I forgot something and you never gave me a receipt".

The serious tones slowly turned into shouting, I wouldn't have gotten involved but I was pretty certain I knew who the American was. 

I picked up the jar of coffee from the shelf and walked to the front of the store and there he was with his back to me. Tall, broad and dark. It was Jason.

I had to giggle to myself a little, it always seemed to be non-locals who got into a bit of trouble around here. Time for me to step in.

"Martin" I said towards the manager. He was a man in his early 40's, the owners son, a lovely guy but sometimes too thick for his own good. 

"Nicola please" Martin said looking towards me, "I think it's best if you don't get involved, we don't want anyone getting hurt here". He finished giving Jason a pointed look. 

Jason shook his disapproval at Martin before turning towards me and looking at me like I was the last person on earth he ever expected to see. 

"Martin, listen to me please", I said while pulling the sweetest smile I could muster across my face. 

"Now, I don't know the full story here but I do know this man" I said gesturing towards Jason, "and I know he wouldn't hurt anyone, that right Jason?".

He looked at me as though he wasn't expecting to be called on "ahh yes ma'am" he muttered out, 

I smiled "and you wouldn't steal anything would you?".

"that's right" he responded. 

"So Martin"' I flirted, "do you think we could just forget about this little... Misunderstanding?" I said while placing my hand innocently on his shoulder.

Martin swallowed slowly and nodded. "Y-y-yes Nicola, s-sorry Jason", he stuttered before hurrying towards the back office. 

Jason looked at me quizzically "do you flirt your way out of trouble often?".

I giggled "no I don't, but Charlie is the reason I'm down here so early so I'm sure he can deal with it". 

"Anyway it's good to see you Jason". I said initiating a quick hug.

"Yeah you too" he said pulling away. "You don't look too surprised to see me though". 

"Oh I knew Nadine was coming, I spoke to Kimberley this morning she's hoping Nadine will pop my this afternoon". 

"Yeah" he smiled "she really wanted to come but was nervous about making the trip out so soon until I said I'd come with her".

I smiled at that. I'm so glad that the two of them have found their way back to each other.

Nadine was always so settled when she was with him or even when she was talking about him after they broke up. I was honestly surprised that he had waited around this long for her though, waited this long for her to be ready. It just shows I guess that when you're really in love with someone, that's all that matters. I just hope she's ready for more long term commitment this time.

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