Girls Aloud - 3 Years Later Chapter 5

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chapter 5 

 Kimberley POV 

 I heard a knock at the door, it was Nicola she always knocked with the same pattern. I opened the door to see Nicola tightly holding the hand of an emotional looking Nadine. Charlie must've felt we needed some time alone as he asked where  Justin was, I told him Justin was in the den where he then went, taking Jason with him. 

 "Come on through you two" I said with a smile, I didn't really want to do this in the doorway. 

 Nicola happily followed me through to the lounge where she'd been countless times. I noticed she still held onto Nadine's hand, maybe in an effort to reassure her that everything was fine. Although I think any nervous tension only acted to amuse Nicola. 

 When we walking into the lounge Nicola dropped Nadine's hand and walked over to the bassinet where Leah would usually be if we were in this room. 

 "Kimba where's Leah? I've been looking forward to some cuddle time all day".

 "She's asleep in my room Nic, she might be awake though she is due for a feed soon".

 "Oh goodie!" She said clapping her hands together repetitively "Nadz you picked a good time to meet her, she's always asleep" Nicola laughed as she left walking towards my bedroom. 

 "Leah?" I heard Nadine whisper from behind me.

 I turned to her, smiled and nodded yes. Nadine didn't know her name yet, no one did really as it wasn't public knowledge. The press knew I'd had the baby but not any details. I was planning to tweet a picture or something soon. 

 "Leah Diane Scott, after my mother" I said as I sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to me. She slowly made her way to sit beside me.

 "I hope you're not mad that I stole your name" I said to her, she smiled at me and I knew she remembered what I was talking about

 It was 2004 and we were in the middle of recording our second album, Nadine and I were living together and I hadn't been dating Justin for that long. 

 It was a Friday night and we'd had a long day of meetings and recording and neither of us felt like going out, so we had agreed on a movie night with a few bottles of wine it was like our tradition. 

 I was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine if my hand and Nadine's legs across my lap as she lay along the couch. I was making her watch 'The Sound of Music', she said it wasn't her taste in films but I think she secretly liked it. 

 "How can you have so many names for so many children" I heard Nadine say. 

 "What on earth are you talking about?" I laughed, she was very random sometimes.

 "I mean there are seven children, how could the parents have found so many names that they liked?". I took a sip of my wine, I don't even know why I was contemplating a response to that question, but I was. 

 "I don't know, I guess when you see the child the name just fits" I said.

 "Well I can't like that many names, are there any you like for children?" I'd never thought about that before "no I guess not, it's not something I think of to be honest, how about you?"

 "I don't know about a boy" she said "but for a girl I think Leah is nice, or Charlotte but maybe that's too similar to Charmaine..."

 "Leah's nice..." I said out loud to myself. "Do you want children Kimberley?" 

 "Yeah, one day if I was lucky enough" I said, leaving over and placing my glass on the table "but right now there is this18-year-old I need to watch out for" 

 "Hey!" She said sitting up "I'm not a baby Kimba!" 

 "Are you sure about that? I laughed "I don't think you're old enough to protect yourself".

 "Kimberley! I am too!" She said hitting me playfully on the shoulder.

 "I'm just messing with you babe" I said placing my arms around her "but I'll always be here for you"

 "I know you will Kimberley" she said hugging me back tightly. 

 "I could never be mad at you Kimberley" she said to me, the tears finally spilling from her face "I have missed you though"

 "Oh honey, come here" I said as I pulled her into my arms. I breathed a sigh of relief, It was nice to hold her again. 

 "Hey, stop it with the tears already" I heard Nicola say as she walked back into the room "there's someone that wants to meet you" 

 I stood up up and took Leah out of Nicola's arms "hey there, baby girl", I said kissing her forehead. "There's someone here to see you, this is your aunty Nadine"

 I sat back down on the couch and passed my daughter to Nadine. "Hello Leah" she said with a sob, looking down at the baby, "you are so gorgeous, just like you're mother".

 I wrapped my arm around Nadine and pulled her in next to me. Nicola sat down on my other side and took my hand, I knew we were thinking the same thing. We finally had our friend back.

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