Girls Aloud - 3 Years Later Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

Sarah's POV

"Cut and print!" The director shouted. "... And that's a wrap on miss Sarah Harding ladies and gentlemen, give her a round of applause!".

I smiled as I walked over to the director. "Thank you Dan, for giving me this opportunity" I said giving him a quick hug. 

 "And a special thanks to all of you" I said as I turned to the crew. "It wasn't easy moving to a new country for so long but you all made the whole process so much easier and more enjoyable, I will always be grateful!".

I had been on location between Australia and New Zealand for the past 6 months. I haven't been filming the entire time though, I've had the chance to sight-see a little and i made a two week trip back home a few months ago to see family. After the band I was the first to release any solo music. I'd been recording and experimenting on and off in our break so I wasn't starting from scratch, it was just a matter of getting everything together.

It also wasn't a bad thing that my boyfriend at the time, Mark, helped heavily with the production of the album. 

Since then I've pretty much just been building up my film repertoire. I've been blessed with a range of lead roles, I also did a play last year. I think that came from me missing the feeling of being on a stage and performing live. 

 Mark and I broke up a few months ago, or we were on some sort of break I really couldn't tell you. We still talk everyday but it's just so hard to maintain a long-distance relationship like this and focus on work. 

 As for the girls, I haven't seen then since I've been out here but I have kept in touch with all of them. Even if we didn't have contact for a few months we have many mutual friends from working together for so many years so you still heard how they were and what everyone was up to. I'm always talking to kimberley lately, I can't help it, it's about time one of us reproduced!

 This film was a massive break for me. Post-production would be compete in just under a month and then there will be a premier in London which I'm hoping all the girls will come to. It would be so nice to be able to share this with them all.

 As I walked into my dressing room for the last time I thought of how exhausting today was but how excited I was to be going home. I sat down at my vanity and pulled my phone out of my handbag and saw I had a few messages. Some from management confirming my flight and driver arrangements for tomorrow and then one each from Mark and Kimberley. 

>> Hiya babe, how's your week been? I know you weren't exactly sure when you were flying back when we last spoke so I wanted to get in early to wish you a safe flight if I didn't speak to you first. Lots of love, Kimba. <<

I replied to Kimberley straight away/.

>> forget about my week! (it was good though, all finished up) how is the baby? Is she smiling yet? Bet she's waiting to meet her aunt Sarah first! Haha! Xx<

Then I looked at the message from Mark

 >hi Sarah, do you want me to pick you up from airport when you get home. Just let me know the details babe xx - mark<

"Babe", I really missed hearing him say that. 

As I typed my response to Mark, saying I would like him to pick me up I felt my phone vibrate again telling me another message had come through. I saw that it was from Kimberley which I wasn't expecting because it was so early over in the UK... damn the time difference. 

>>oh good to hear! Are you excited to come home? Aw babe I know she's excited to meet you but she actually smiled for the very first time yesterday when she met Nadine! Xx it was lovely!<<

 >>Nadine is in London? When did she get there and how long is she staying?? ... Also Kimba have you heard from Cheryl yet? xx<<

I smiled to myself in the mirror like a goof at the thought of seeing Nadine, I didn't care I was excited and even more anxious to get home now. 

Cheryl though, that was another story. I didn't know what her problem was, all I know is that something had happened with her and Nadine in New York last year. I had visited her in LA shortly after she got back from New York and despite something being clearly wrong she just brushed it aside and never told me what was bothering her so much. 

Whatever it was had a heavy impact on Cheryl too. She released a single and her 4th album after heavy promotion but then she stopped, everything stopped. Her charity work, her Loreal campaigns were put on hold, she never released a second single when she easily could have. The last time I saw her was at Nicola's engagement, and I knew Nic and Kimberley hadn't seen her much since then either. 

I felt her reply again. 

>>I'm not sure how long Nadz is staying but she'll definitely be here when you get home. Cheryl said she'll come home soon to visit but I really don't know Sarah, I haven't see her in a while and I'm worried. 

Honey I have to get to an appointment, call me when you're home! xxxx<<

I smiled at my phone, I was worried too but I wasn't the right person to be asking Cheryl questions. 

I started to pack my things and call my driver for a lift to the motel. After a 20 hour flight I will be home and I couldn't wait.

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