Girls Aloud - 3 Years Later Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

  Kimberley’s POV

 I sat in the corner of the nursery in a rocking chair, just swaying back and forth with my gorgeous baby girl in my arms. Leah Diane Scott, a name that has always been important to me and then a second name after my mother. She was just perfect, everything about her was perfect. She was slightly tanned, a little lighter than Justin; she had my nose and his eyes. This first week with her at home has taken some time to get used to, but I can honestly say that I have never been happier than I am right now. I’m just in a constant state or euphoria and nothing can take this smile off of my face.

 I heard a light tapping on the nursery door and looked up to see Justin leaning against the frame, smiling at us.

“How long have you been standing there?” I asked.

“Long enough to see you smiling like a fool” he jokes.

“Hey!” I said in mock insult, standing up with the baby in my arms.

“What? It’s true!” he laughed walking towards me and holding his arms out, “but I love watching two out of my three of my girls together, it’s a little bit perfect”.

“You’re such a goof ball” I said walking into his arms.

 He wrapped his arms around me and leaned down to kiss Leah on the forehead. “But I'm a goof ball who loves you”.

“Love you too” I said smiling up at him.

 Justin was my rock, he was always supportive and there with me throughout everything. He offered a constant level of steadiness that my career didn’t. He is what has gotten me through these past few years. After the band ended I didn’t stop working, I continued presenting, did a few supporting roles in films and then embarked on a small theatre tour around the country. When ‘Miss Saigon’ made its return to the West End theatre I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to audition. It was halfway through my five month stint as ‘Ellen’ when I discovered I was pregnant.

 I was absolutely over the moon when I found out, it was a surprise though. Justin and I weren't even trying although it was something we both wanted after we got married, which is still something we hadn't done. Chloe couldn't have been anymore excited if she tried, to her the prospect of finally having a sibling was the most amazing thing.

 Everything ran smoothly throughout the pregnancy but Justin had insisted that I not work, he thought that it was about time I had a break and enjoy being pregnant. Honestly I think he just wanted me home so he could fuss over me, and I wasn't going to complain. 

 I announced my pregnancy to the girls and most close friends about 6 weeks after Nicola's engagement party 8 months ago. That was the last time I had seen Nadine and Sarah. Sarah would be back soon though, she had been in Australia filming a movie. Nicola has been an amazing friend throughout this pregnancy, without me working we got to see so much more of each other. It was a little harder to organise things with Cheryl, she was out in America most chances she could get because that's where Tre's family was. If she was given the option to work on something here or out there she would often go out there, and then when she was back here she would be organising other things or she'd be up in Newcastle. 

 Throughout the first year after the band disbanded there had been limited contact between Nadine and I. There may have been a bit of bitterness on her part but not on mine, I was just so busy it was hard enough keeping up with my own siblings let alone someone who lived on the other side of the world. But really, this didn't mean our relationship had to suffer. We had been together everyday for 7 years, we were sisters and we didn't need to speak to each other everyday, our bond was never going to break, I wasn't going to let it. 

 I had remembered how Nadine was in the beginning, she was vulnerable and shy and gained confidence very gradually. She hasn't changed, she's grown up but underneath she still functions the same way. I promised her at the start that I would protect her and I didn't want to let how down now. So I did my best to maintain contact with her, as did Nicola, and now she was coming this afternoon to meet my baby. 

 Nadine's POV

 Just as Jason and I were making our way through the gates of Kimberley's house I turned because I heard a car pull up behind us. I instantly recognised it as Charlie's car. 

 "Did you know Nicola would be here to?" I asked facing him "after all you did sort of organise all this".

 "Yeah I did babe, I ran into her at the store this morning and she told me to bring you here after lunch" he said sheepishly "I didn't want to overwhelm you because I know how nervous you were about coming".

 I walked to him, wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

 "Thank you" I said simply. And I meant it, he was the reason I was able to get here today, he made me feel stronger than I ever had.

 "Nice to see you two are as affectionate as ever" I heard Nicola say, walking up to us.  The four of us were now standing in Kimberley's courtyard. This was the first time I'd been to her new place since she and Justin moved out of their London flat.

 I turned my head to face my friend, stepping back from the safeness of Jason's arms. I opened my mouth to speak and it was all dry, I was feeling so nervous all of a sudden and I had no valid explanation as to why. Nicola appeared to be the complete opposite, or if she was nervous she hid it well. 

 She hadn't stopped smiling at me, she was almost radiating happiness and this calmed me down a little. 

 "Hi", that was all I managed to muster up. I sighed in relief at the fact that I was still able to speak.

 "Hi Nadine" she said giggling and pulling me into a hug. I felt tears welling up in my eyes but I blinked them back, I wasn't going to cry. It just felt so good to see her again. 

 We pulled out of the hug just as Jason and Charlie were exchanging pleasantries. 

 "I'm so glad you've made the trip out here, Nadine", Nicola said taking my hand in hers "I've missed you".

 "I've missed you too, Nic". My tears threatening to fall again but I kept them back. 

 "Okay" Charlie said clapping his hands together "I know the weather is heaps warmer in LA but if you haven't figured it out yet it's freezing in London so how about we get inside and get this show on the road?". 

  "Good idea" Nicola said, not letting go of my hand and pulling me towards the front door with out boys next to us. This is it, I thought to myself. 

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