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There was a time a few months back when I wore a lot of make-up.
I think I thought that by covering up my physical flaws,
I could hide the ones deeper within me too:

The insecurity
The selfishness
All the things I hoped no one would ever know existed.


It didn't change the fact of the matter though

That they were still there.


Of course,
Nothing starts out that way.
It was
just a little here
to cover up and conceal that-

One little broken part of me
That I wanted
no one to find.

One at a time.
One broken piece
At a time.

But hiding the scars like that,
It doesn't let them heal.
So as I covered one,
another would appear.
More and more
And day by day.

Before I knew it,
my face was not my own.
I'd covered up who I was.

I could not find who I was
And who I was
was lost.

It wasn't until
All my flaws were put into light

And once I owned each one-
Each dirty, broken, ugly scar

That the weight was lifted
From my eyes.

We are human.

Beauty is not found
In our perfection.
Beauty is found
In the most broken of things
The things that decide
To keep going
-through the mess.
To take hope
-when all is lost.

It's found when you bare your face,
Your flawed, cracked, bruised
And say,
"Here. This is who I am."

"I am human."

"I am broken."

"But I am fighting."

"And I am breathing."

"I will

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