Chapter 1

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"Max! Get your butt out of that bed now!"

"Fine, I'm getting up!" I yelled to my sister, Ella.

My name is Maximum Ride, my sister Ella Martinez and my mom, Valencia Martinez. We go to high school, we both are a sophomore.

I grabbed a red tank top along with some blue skinny jeans. I put on my black converse and ran down stairs. Before I could go any further than my door Ella stopped me.

"You are not wearing that!" She scoffed at me.

"Uh, what else and I supposed to wear?" I questioned her looking confused.

"Anything but that! Now come with me I have clothes for you."

We walked into her room and laying on the bed was a white cami and a red crop top. She also had laid out a black skirt that when down to just above my knees.

"Put it on! And meet me downstairs." She ran out the room slamming the door. I put them on but still left my black converse on, it matched the skirt, don't judge.

"Hey, mom!"

"Hey, sweetie." My mom came over and kissed me on my forehead.

"I'm doing your hair and makeup." Ella dragged me back up the stairs.

"No! No! No!" I'm not letting you." I begged.

Finally, she got me to agree, after a lot of begging. She left my hair a little curly, she fixed the noncurly strands to make them fit it. For my makeup, she did a natural eye shadow. I only let her do a little mascara and a tiny winged liner. My lips already look like they have lipstick on them so she left them bare.

"You look so pretty!" She squealed.

"Max! Ella! Dylan is ready to take you to school now!" Mom yelled up to us

Dylan is our older brother. He is a senior and he is also the captain of the football team, which makes him really popular.

I grabbed my red Kavu off my bed and my red soccer bag, yeah yeah, I get it I love red.

"SHOTGUN!" I screamed before Ella could.

"I hate you!" She cried back as she got in the backseat behind me.

"You guys are going to need to walk home, I can't drive you home today. Or you can get a ride with friends." Dylan looked at us. "Sorry," he apologized.

We got to our school and parked in our normal spot. "Hey, Dylan!" Ari fisted bumped him. "Hey girls!" He came up to me, "Hey Maxie!" He hugged me hard. I nearly punched him. "Hello, Ellie!" I could see her go purple when he hugged her hard too.

"Ella, let's go get our schedule." I grabbed her arm. When she started to follow me I let go.

We had gotten to the front office and the lady greeted us. "Hello ladies, I need your grade and name."

"Ella Martinez and Maximum Ride we are both sophomores." The lady took about two minutes to get our schedule.

"Here you go, have a nice day you two." Ella and I both said thank you and left.

We were out on the field to building B when stopped to compare schedules. "Uh, we have 1st-period art together, also lunch, we have 5th-period science and 7th P.E.."

"That's good, I would die if we didn't have-" Ella was interrupted by a girl. She looked really pretty, her mocha colored skin, she had dark brown eyes. Her black hair was straight. She had on a light yellow tank up. With a light pink skirt.

"Hi! My name is Nudge, you guys look so pretty! You looked pretty from far away but when I got closer you guys looked even prettier. I really hope we can be friends, I'm new so I don't have any. Maybe I can-"

Just then two boys came over and clamped their hand over her mouth. One man was very tall. Maybe like 6'2. He was in a black t-shirt, he had black jeans on, he also had black shoes. His hair came down to just above his eyes, it was a little ruffled on the ends. His eyes were a deep dark sea black.

I noticed another man, not as tall around 6', he had a light blue t-shirt with dark blue jeans. He just had normal white converse. His hair was a dark blonde, a little bit darker than mine.

I took out one earbud not realizing I still had them in. "Hello, sorry about Nudge, she sure is a chatterbox." The blonde one said, holding out his hand. "I'm Iggy, this is Fang." I nodded shaking his hand. Ella shook it too. Fang held out his hand also I gave it a quick shake.

"Do you guys want to be friends?" Iggy asked us.

Fang's POV

Nudge had run out of our sight. I spotted her talking to these two girls. I double tapped Iggy's arm pointing toward Nudge. He nodded and we quickly walked over. We both put our hand's on Nudge's mouth.

"Hey, sorry about Nudge, she sure is a chatterbox." Iggy had told the girls holding out his hand to shake. "I'm Iggy, this is Fang." When I looked up I saw this cute girl.

She had on a red crop top with a white shirt under it, also she had a short but long skirt. Her dirty blonde hair with dark blonde sun-streaks was down and wavy, but one thing that made my heart beat a little faster was her cute chocolate colored eyes.

I held out my hand to shake her's and her's and the girl next to her. "Do you guys was the be friends?" Iggy asked them.

"Sure, I'm Max this is my sister Ella." She informed us. "Do you guys want to compare schedules?"

Iggy took Ella and Max's schedule examining it. He also took mine and Nudge's. "Looks like you and Fang have all classes together. Nudge and I have social studies with you two. We all have lunch together and P.E."

Just then the bell rang and we all rushed off to our first period. Ella, Max and I went to math together.

Edited: 6.29.17

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