Chapter 22

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I couldn't see anything. It was only dark. I couldn't help but step closer to Fang. As we rounded the corner at the bottom of the steps I wasn't expected to see anything.

Nothing as in nothing. Just a white room. As I took my last step with both feet on the white floor I started taking steps backward. I couldn't stop, my feet were forcing me back up the stairs.

A sharp pain shot through my skull- with black spots dancing across my vision- I felt my knees begin to be weak and I plummeted down towards the ground.

Something had squeezed my hand bring me back to consciousness.

"I'm so sorry Max. I should have been there." I heard a faint rasp voice whisper.

"Fang?" I croaked prying my eyes open, sure enough, Fang sat next to my bed with bloodshot eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Max!"Happiness had flooded his eyes, "I'm so glad you have woke! It's been a long time!" He smiled lighting up the room.

A long time? That word echoed in my head.

Long time

Long time

Long time

"Max?" Fang's bright black eyes bored into my chocolate brown ones. "You okay? Do you need a nurse?"

"No, I'm fine. It's just, how long have I been out?"

I looked over at Fang to see he looked very worried, "two weeks."

"What?" I practically screamed.

"Sh, well, uh you were going to your house after my mom told you to, it was just raining so the steps were wet. You took a wrong step and slipped."

I could see the pain in his eyes as he tried to continue.

"I rushed to your side and my mom had called 911 because your head was bleeding pretty bad. My mom had also called your mom after she called 911. I ended up going into the ambulance with your mom. When we got here they took you back.

"Your mom told me she just called because she had a surprise for you and Ella."

Fang held tightly onto my hand as she spoke. "They said you hit your head really hard and you went unconscious."

I nodded as I went into the story I had when I was unconscious.

"It was all a dream. My mom wasn't taken." Breathing heavily I could hear the machine beeping with my rapid heart rate.

"A dream," I breathe.

"It's okay I'm here now." He squeezed my hand to let me know.

"I know."

"Miss Martinez. I have news for you," spoke the nurse as she walked in with papers. "You can be released tomorrow morning."

Trying to hide a smiled was not successful. My smile was huge and plastered across my face.

"Take it easy and I will go get your parents to sign the papers for you."

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