Chapter 1

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*** Riley’s POV ***

Mary had her long blonde hair curled and was white dress on so she looked like Marilyn Monroe. Alice was a “Sexy Kitty”. Mar was Doctor Who. Chuck was Pepper and Lilly was Salt. While Mitch was Spider-Man and I Britney Spears (costume from Circus).

“Happy Halloween” We yelled as Lilly’s mom took some pictures.

I wasn’t one for candy, I feel like I had to watch what I eat because… I don’t know maybe I was to fat for my size. I was only 5’3” and everyone else in the 12th grade was like 5’9” or 6 foot. 

“You look beautiful tonight baby.” Mitch told me then slapped my ass.

I had to hold in a groan, “Thanks Mitch.”

Mitch was my “boyfriend” well he was basically blackmailing me because of a notebook I had that told my deepest darkest secret in there… He knows it and if he told a living sold I’d be thrown into prison and be called a freak.

We walked to Paul’s house which wasn’t that bad of a walk and the bonfire already started. People were making out, empty bottles and beer cans were laying on the yard, and I’m pretty sure I stepped in a condom…

“We’re gonna go get some drink.” Chuck said then pulled Lilly away giggling. They were the cutest couple ever! 

While here is Mitch and I, Mitch was dragging me around some place and the sun already set so I didn’t really know where I was going. We were close to the fire and he pulled me into a kiss, a really heavy kiss. 

I sighed and kissed him back. 

“Hey um, Riley want a drink?” 

I pulled away from Mitch’s heavy grasp and nodded, “Bye Mitch.” 

“Bye baby.” He said a little unhappily. 

Mary handed me a beer and then we walked around a little. We stood behind a group that was talking about how it was a half moon tonight and that means someone’s going to die. No shit Sherlock, so many people die everyday. 

A jock named Kyle wolf howled and everyone joined in then he started the cheer, “Let’s go wolves lets go.”

Clap. Clap.

“Let’s go wolves let’s go!” 

Clap. Clap.

“Let’s go wolves let’s go!” 

Then everyone howled. Mary and I laughed while we walked inside the house because she had to use the bathroom. She was complaining about some girl who was stealing Kyle away from her so she was going to probably hook up with him tonight before she dos. 

I looked outside and the bond fire kept getting more and more people coming, we do have a big school and I think even some freshmen were here. I walked into the kitchen and got another beer. 

“So then I told her, if you can’t control your vag…” Mary said then the music turned down and everything got quite.

I looked over at her, “I’m going out there.” 

“Wait!” She yelled.

Everything from then on went in slow motion…

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