Angel- Sylver

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So, this is it guys. This is the very last chapter. Thank you again and please, any constructive criticism is appreciated! It's been a fun ride. Be on the lookout for the second story: MiXed!

        This is all my fault. I never even got a chance to tell them they were coming. It all happened so fast... I could've saved so many lives if I had just told them the humans were coming. Why couldn't I say anything? Why did I have to overthink everything? I shook my head, trying to focus on simply running. Running, running, always running. "Sylver!" I heard Avani scream. I looked towards her voice and saw that she, along with Nerina and Sholeh had been separated.

"Keep running!" I yelled to her. "Don't stop!"

I looked around Kaze and noticed her running, panting beside me. "Come on, Kaze, we can meet with them this way!" I huffed out through my exhaustion. She simply nodded, barely able to catch her breath.

We ran and ran for what seemed like an endless amount of hours. It was probably only a few minutes, but with the terror and exhaustion we felt, it felt like forever.

All of a sudden, we reached an abrupt cliff. Kaze looked at me with wide, scared eyes. "What do we do?" She whimpered.

"I guess we have to fight back." I said, not knowing any of option. We turned to the trees we had come from. Slowly, eight humans stepped out of the trees, calmly, as if they knew all along we would end here.

"You two put up quite a chase. Unlike your friends." The one with black hair said, a glint in his gray eyes.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Kaze asked shakily.

The man next to him, he had graying blonde hair with gray eyes, just as every human, lifted his hand up. At first, I didn't see anything. Then, I saw a glint of curly red, white-blonde, and shiny black. Kaze and I made the connection at the same time. Avani. Nerina. Sholeh. The humans caught them and killed them. In their hands was the hair of our friends.

"That's not all." The black haired man said, with a wicked smile. Slowly, he lifted his hand. In his clenched fist was brown hair, close to the same color as Kaze's.

"You killed Chetwyn?" Kaze whispered, eerily quiet.

Instead of responding, the humans all laughed as if on cue.

Kaze, taking this as a yes, yelled something I didn't understand, and ran towards them in a fury of wind and tornado. I... I couldn't move. This was my entire fault. I could've prevented this. All of them are dead. But... wait. How are they dead? Avani, Nerina, and Sholeh ran the opposite direction of us and all eight humans are here. Chetwyn left with Assan and Haydn to guard the other Elementals. There's no possible way that they are dead. They... They're still alive!

"Kaze!" I shouted over the roar of the wind, "The humans didn't kill them! They're still alive!"

The roar stopped and Kaze looked at me with hopeful purple eyes. "They are?"

She began to smile. However, this action was never completed. She gasped and looked down at her stomach. Sticking out of it, covered in her own blood, was one of the humans' weapons. She coughed and looked at me, with fear now in her eyes.

"Sylver, tell them all that I will miss them." She choked out.

"Kaze, no!" I screamed, starting towards her. The humans made a line in front of her and pushed me back. "Kaze!"

The one who had stabbed her, the black haired man, picked up her now limp body and began to walk back into the forest where I was sure reinforcements were waiting. "Kaze, no..." I whimpered.

"Get away, failure." A gruff voice ordered, shoving me into the ground. I lay there, staring at the gray clouds. I've never seen the sky anything but clear. It must be grieving too.


"Sylver?" I heard a familiar voice call. "Sylver, there you are!"

I sat up and looked at the person in front of me. "Kaze?"

"What? No. I'm Assan."

"Assan? But... Kaze... She's... And it's all my fault!" I wailed.

"Sylver, calm down." Assan ordered, walking over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and his features softened. "What happened to Kaze was not your fault. It could of happened to anyone of us.'

"You don't understand!" I shouted angrily. "All of this was my fault! If only I hadn't froze... If I had just told someone..." I sighed, feeling defeat. "If only I just didn't exist."

Assan stared at me. "What are you talking about?"

I looked at him, tears stinging my eyes. "I shouldn't be existing. I need... I need to stop."

His eyes widened. "Stop? Sylver, you don't mean..."

I nodded. "That's exactly what I mean. I just... I can't..." I shook my head and turned from him. My eyes set on the horizon, I walked over the edge of the cliff before my senses could take over. Just one more step...

"Sylver, stop!" Assan yelled, grabbed my wrist and yanking me back.

I turned to him, angry. "Why do you want my suffering to continue? I want it to stop!"

He looked at me with sad, dark blue eyes. "You can't leave me..." He whispered. "You're my angel."

I looked away from him; unable to bear that sad stare he was giving me. Should I stay? I did have many friends. And him. But I was also a failure. I was responsible for Kaze's and anyone else's death. I am a reason behind this attack. I can't... Live anymore.

Without looking at Assan, I whispered into the breeze, Kaze's element... "Angel's can fly."

I pulled my wrist from him and hurled myself off of the cliff, feeling the wind tangle my hair and howl in my ear. The howling... It sounds like the wind is grieving.

The wind misses Kaze, too.



"She just... jumped?" Nerina said.

"Yeah." Assan said numbly, a dullness in his eyes.

"Because of Kaze?" Sholeh asked.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"So... We lost both Kaze and Sylver?" Nerina whispered.

He just nodded. It's like his voice failed him. I can relate.

Avani looked towards the Infection Center. "Are we going to do anything about this?"

Nerina and Sholeh looked up with her. The screams of the other captured rode across the wind. "We must." Nerina whispered.

Assan just stared at the ground. "If you won't do anything but mope around, I will fight back. You fucking bastard." I said angrily.

Assan didn't respond. Even more raged, I stood up and turned to the Infection Center and just started running. Run, run, run...

"Chetwyn, stop!"

I believe Kaze is still alive. I will find her. If it's the last thing I do.

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