Chapter 9: Choices

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A/N: Sorry it's been 2 months, but I've been really busy this summer. This is more of a filler chapter but I promise that there will be some drama in at least two chapters. Happy reading!!!


Victor P.O.V.

I love camp Half-Blood! I’ve been going here every summer since I was ten. After Professor Karkaroff died, I’ve been going here full time, leaving only to play quidditch. When I turned 12, I finally got claimed by my dad, Ares. He’s the god of war. I suppose that might be one of the reasons I was picked for the tri-wizard tournament.

After breakfast, the Ares cabin went to archery lessons. We have archery lessons with the Hermes cabin. I really hate archery. Why would you need to learn how to shoot a stick? Personally, I love sword fighting. I always have.

                Walking with my best friends, Clarisse LaRue and Chris Rodriguez, we entered the training field. The Athena cabin was just leaving. I heard the most beautiful laugh, and it almost sounded familiar. I turned around and saw it coming from the prettiest girl I have ever seen. I just know I’ve seen her somewhere, but- no way! This is not happening.

                “Victor, are you okay?” asked Clarisse, “Y-yeah. I’m fine. You go on ahead, I’ll catch up.” She looked at me like she was about to say something, but decided against it. Everyone thinks she’s mean and tough. She’s not really like that, it’s just a front. Few people have seen the real her. Only the Ares cabin and her boyfriend who happends to be Chris.

                Well…I’ve figured out who the girl is.

“Herm-own-ninny! Is that you?” Dammit. I still can’t pronounce her name. She turned around, shock written all over her face. What is she even doing here? I’ve never noticed her at camp before. Looks like she’s an Athena girl no surprise there. Most of the time we hung out it was in the library. I watched her turn to Annabeth and tell her something. I guess she’s already made friends. No surprise there. Hermione is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. 

                Annabeth followed the rest of the Athena cabin to their next class. Hermione walked towards me with shock written all over her face.

“I thought you lived in Bulgaria. What are you doing at camp Half-Blood?” she asked.

“I used to live in Bulgaria. After Karkaroff died, I quit school and went to camp full time. I vas planning on leaving Durmstrang anyvay, and given the recent events it deemed prudent. What about you? Vhat are you doing here?” As far as I knew, I was the only wizard at camp Half-Blood. I haven’t told anyone, but I have a feeling that Chiron knows. I haven’t even told Clarisse and Chris. They wonder where I head off to when I go to play quidditch, but I just told them I had stuff to do and they didn’t pry. I can tell that they still want to know though.

“Well after the-erm-war, I started having nightmares. I started to sleep apparate and yesterday I ended up here. I got claimed at campfire last night. Turns out I'm an Athena kid.” I had to laugh at that last sentence. Almost every time we hung out it was in the library.

“Herm-own-ninny, of course you are an Athena kid. It does not come as a very big shock. You live for your studies.” She looked slightly offended but I could tell that she knew it was true.

“Well I guess I’ll see you around, Victor.” She said, “I have thestral riding lessons.” I saw her give I tiny shudder at the mention of thestrals. I wonder if she’s afraid of horses.

 Without waiting for an answer, Hermione turned and ran towards the stables. Even at a summer camp she can’t stand to be late for lessons.

Walking back to the arena, I noticed Chris and Clarisse looking at me strangely. I ran up to them and asked;

“Vhat’s up guys? Vhy are you looking at me like that?”

“Why were you talking to the new braniac? You always hated Athena kids.” Chris said.

Shit. I really screwed this one up. I’ve made it no secret that I hate Athena kids and now I was talking to one and not trying to kill them. Yeah, that doesn’t usually happen. It's not like I can just say ‘Oh, vell I met her at this really dangerous vizarding tournament vhere I tried to kill her best friend because I was under the imperius curse. Did I mention that I’ve also had a crush on her for four years?’

That conversation definitely won’t go down well. I decided to go with the half-truth.

“I know her from school.” That’s the simple answer, right?

“But I thought you said you went to school in Norway.” Said Clarisse suspiciously. “She sounded English at dinner last night.” Damn. Contrary to what people say, Clarisse is not stupid. She’s just street-smart instead of book-smart.

“I did go to school in Norway, but I was in Scotland for a year for an exchange program. That’s where I met Hermione.”

Thank the gods that answer seemed to satisfy Clarisse. No matter how good of friends we are, she would still try to beat me to a pulp if she caught me lying to her. She probably wouldn’t succeed, but she would try. It's just so much easier to make excuses.

Hermione’s P.O.V.

**After thestral lessons**

During free hour, most kids play basketball, go swimming, hang out with their friends or something like that. I just can’t find the energy. First I was dating Ron and it took him four years to notice that yes, I am a girl. And then another three to get him to notice that I liked him as more then I friend.

Well now there’s Percy. I met him not even a day ago, but I feel a strange connection to him and, let’s face it, he’s really hot. I don’t usually pay attention to looks. Somehow, this is different. I'm not sure how yet, but it is. There’s only one problem, well two actually. One being that I have a boyfriend and two being that I could never do that to Annabeth. I can tell that she and Percy like each other, regardless of whether they’re willing to admit it or not.

And then there’s Victor. I can tell that he still likes me, but I'm not sure whether or not I like him back. In retrospect, I pretty much used him just to make Ron jealous. Ugh that makes me sound like a total bitch.

You know what?  I'm really tired. I think I’ll just go to bed and blow off all of my activities for the day. I probably shouldn’t, but at this point I'm too tired to care.

My last coherent though before I drifted off into blissful nothingness was ‘I think I’ll go visit Harry and Ron tomorrow.’


A/N: Can I get some feedback on this chapter? I really want to know what you guys think. I'll try to update by next Saturday. Don't forget to vote ant comment!!!! :)

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