Chapter 3: Camp Half-Blood

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Hermione's P.O.V.

Ugh... I feel like death. The last thing i can remember is this huge three-headed dog, and it was about to kill me...I think. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids weighed like, 1000 pounds but somehow i managed.

When i finally opened my eyes, everything was blurry but then a dark blob swam into my view. I had to blink a couple of times to clear my eyes and i figured out what was in front of me. It was THE hottest guy i have ever seen. Wait, no. I can’t think that. I'm dating Ron, but what if? No, I would never cheat on Ron. Well a girl can dream right? So this incredibly hot guy had black hair that was a bit messy but in a supercute way. And his eyes oh my god his eyes, they were the PERFECT shade of blue that you could get lost in forever.

"Hi I’m Percy," The boy said, "What's your name?" "H-H-Hermione," I somehow managed to stammer, "Where are we?" "Camp Half-Blood. It's for demi-gods. You know the Greek gods right? Well they're still around and they have kids with mortals and you're one of them." Being totally in shock I said "Well my dad said that my mom 'died' giving birth so if this is all true then who is my mom?" “Well that's the thing, we don't know until you get claimed. For now, you can stay in the Hermes cabin."

After hearing that I said something really smart that went along the lines of "Um uh kay." but then I remembered something, Harry and Ron were probably really worried. I still haven't figured out how to do the talking patronus thing so I figured my best bet was to ask for a phone. There is almost always a phone in the tent. " there a phone I could use to tell my friends where I am and that I’m ok?" Percy told me where the phone was and I explained everything to Ron and Harry. I decided to stay at camp for a while and figure out this whole dem- ok who am I kidding? I wanted to spend a little more time with Percy.

When I finally got to the Hermes cabin (after getting lost twice) a boy who looked about 19 introduced himself as Jay. He had a sarcastic grin that made me think that he was a bit of a trouble-maker but he seemed nice enough. The campers all introduced themselves. There was Sasha, Travis and Connor Stool who looked like they were twins but apparently weren't. Jade, Jared, Kyle, Hailey and a lot more but I’m totally not going to remember the names.

There was the sound of a conch shell being blown in the distance. Jay told me it signaled that it was time for supper. When we got to the mess hall, I found out that before we ate any food, we had to make a sacrifice (of the food) to the gods or else they get pretty teed-off and blast you off the earth. After we sacrificed some of the food, we dug in. It was amazing. There were wind spirits that you could just give them your order and they would give it to you. This is going to sound kinda strange but the coolest thing by far is the cups. You could just tell it what you wanted and it would appear. I was feeling really nervous about the whole camp thing so I 'ordered' the most comforting thing I could think of: pumpkin juice. I got some pretty strange looks from my cabin mates so I said that they have it at my school. it wasn’t the whole truth but not a lie either. I didn’t want them to think I was a freak just yet.

When dinner was over, Jay told me that it was time for campfire. I tried to follow the Hermes cabin but, to be honest, they’re the most hyper people that I’ve ever met. I was so lost in thought about this whole 'Greek god summer camp' thing that I didn't notice that anyone was in front of me until I accidentally bumped into a girl. She had blond hair and dark gray eyes with huge bags under them, like she hadn't slept in days. "Sorry about that. My name's Annabeth, daughter of Athena. You're new right?" Annabeth seemed nice enough so I decided to introduce myself. " My name's Hermione daughter of I-have-no-idea-who." I joked and the girl laughed right along with me. "Well I’m sure you'll get claimed soon. If you're lucky it will happen at campfire"

After our little convo, we walked along in silence when I suddenly realized something. I lost my wand!


Annabeth's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop thinking about the surprise attack. It just came out of nowhere and no one could have predicted it. The Athena cabin have been tracking every single move of the Titan army and we had totally not anticipated this. Then again, there was a lot that we haven't anticipated at the moment. The gods have gone silent and fights were breaking out all over camp. It was something that we just couldnt afford to happen with the prophecy that was supposed to happen it two weeks.

So lost in thought,I didn't notice when I bumped into someone. When I backed up, I noticed that the someone was a girl. She had bushy brown hair and her eyes seemed to flicker from brown to grey Mortals probably wouldn't notice that but as a daughter af Athena it just came naturally. She looked terrified, like she thought i was about to attack her or something. I'm pretty sure she's a new camper so i decided to introduce myself.

"Hi. I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena." I guess it worked because she didn't look quite as scared anymore. A lot of demigods spend most off their lives being chased by monsters so trust doesn't come naturally to us. "Hey. I'm Hermione, daughter of i-don't-know-who. Sorry for bumping into you by the way. It's just" I knew what she meant. Even after being at Camp Half-blood for 9 years, it never fails to amaze me.

Suddenly, she went deathly pale, and trust me, I knew what that looked like. "Hermione, are you ok?" She looked like she was having a panic attack. Hermione started to pat all of her pockets and search the ground around her like she lost something. She stood bolt upright, her eyes got wide and she sprinted in the opposite direction, back to the big house.


A/N: So did you like it? It's my first story so go easy on my. Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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