Chapter 6: What Just Happened?

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A/N: I know I haven't updated in forever so i wrote an extra-long chapter to make up for it so enjoy!


Hermione's P.O.V

Shock, disbelief, utter bewilderment. The looks of the gods' faces were priceless, yet terrifying at the same time. Watching the inner turmoil in their expressions, wondering if I was trying to pull one over on them. I guess they haven't heard of magic then. It made me want to roll on the floor laughing and shrink away and hide on a corner at the same time.

"What is this? You DARE lie to the king of the gods?! I should blast you into oblivion for even thinking of this lie!" Well then. I defiantly didn't think it would go this badly. People think that I'm great under pressure, but that's not true. In reality, I tend to have anything BUT a clear head. I get so many thoughts going through my head that it feels like my skull is about to explode. Right now, it's totally one of those explosive moments.

Before I could start to defend myself, another goddess spoke up, "I believe I have heard of this wizardry. In a time, long, long ago, where it was heard that mortals could produce magic. After a century or two, the rumors died out and were not heard of for a long time," the goddess paused," Around the 1500's, the rumors re-surfaced, but that was to be expected. That was the century of the 'demigod explosion' and our children were being accused of witchcraft because of the powers they could not control. I think we should give these so-called witches/wizards a chance. After all, what lovely chance to better our knowledge of the mortal world."

As the goddess spoke, I realized that she glowed. In the literal sense. She actually glowed a faint blue, as though she was a hologram (a muggle version of the talking patronus). I didn't know her name so I just went with the safe option, "Thank you ma'am." There was some confusion in her eyes and then she seemed to remember that I was new at this 'demigod thing'. "It is understandable that you do not know my name child, I am a minor goddess and many do not know me. I am Hectate, goddess of magic."

It all made sense now. How she seemed to know a lot about magic, not the kind we studied at Hogwarts but magic none the less. I had reached my breaking point and my resolve seemed to be crumbling. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Are... are you by any chance related to Rowena Ravenclaw?" I can't believe that I could possibly see any more shocked faces today, but judging by my record so far, I was totally wrong.

Zeus asked to have a council of the gods so mom 'apparated' me back to camp. The second I arrived, she disapparated and I got bombarded with questions. "Did you know that you were a demi-god?" "Where did you go?" "Were you on Mount Olympus?" "What-" Whoever was asking that question didn't have time to finish talking before Percy pulled me out of the crowd. I figured we would stop by the little creek along the edge of the field but we didn't. Percy and I continued into the woods and before I could ask where we were going, Annabeth appeared out of nowhere trying to stuff a Yankees cap into her pocket.

After we had all finished catching our breath from running so hard, Percy spoke, "So Hermione, what happened after you left?" Just hearing him speak made me want to spill everything but something held me back. As I tried to figure out what it was, I was looking at Percy and Annabeth. Just by the way they were standing, I could tell that they TOTALLY liked each other.

I think the ADHD was getting to me again, because while I was thinking this entire thing over, we must have been standing there for a good 10 minutes. "C'mon Hermione, you can trust us." Said Annabeth, Percy nodded in agreement. Usually I would be really stupid to trust someone just because they said so but this was different. To figure this out, I needed help. To get help I needed to be open with people and get them to trust me. I know that makes me seem distrustful and manipulating but I didn't quite mean it that way. I could hardly bring Harry and Ron here. I just had this gut instinct that I had to go in alone and hopefully come out in one piece. So with a deep breath, I started my story.

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