Chapter 10: Heartbreak

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A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in  3 months! AH! I really hope you like this chapter. Enjoy! 


Percy P.O.V.

I can’t get her out of my mind. Hermione, I mean. Theres just something about her, I'm not really sure what it is. She’s just…different. There isn’t really any other word to describe it. She probably doesn’t see me that way though. Chances are she has a boyfriend from the wizarding world anyway and I saw her talking to that Ares kid earlier. I wonder how they know each other anyway. He’s Bulgarian.

Unless… Oh no way. Victor. Is. A. Wizard.  So THAT’S why he leaves every couple of months. I wonder what he does though. Doesn’t really matter anyway, I never really had much interest in what the Ares kids did before now, why should today be any different?

‘Come on Percy,’ I thought to myself, ‘you know why you care. You’re je…jeal…jeal,’ oh gods, I don’t have time for this. The prophecy is supposed to come true in two weeks and I'm sacred of a dam word. I started cracking up at the word ‘dam’.  I remember that quest. I immediately started to feel guilty. It’s all my fault that Bianca died. She wasn’t even alive for a week after she discovered that she was a demigod. Most demigods have really shitty luck, but still.

I really have to snap out of this. I have absolutely no one I can talk to about it either. Grover is missing, Tyson is down at the forges and can’t keep a secret to save his life and I sure as Hades can’t go to Annabeth with this. Gods, I may have a lot of friends at camp, but when it comes to things like this, I'm totally lost.

Deciding to go to the training arena to clear my head, I grabbed Riptide off of my night stand and ran off at a brisk pace. I'm always happy to have new demigods at camp but this is just insane. I can’t seem to think about anything else and the last thing I need right now are more distractions.

I reached the training arena and of course, as my non-existent luck would have it, Hermione and Victor were there together. She seemed to be showing him some kind of complicated arm movement. It took me a couple minutes to figure out what they were doing; she must be showing him a spell of some sort. I still find it hard to believe that he’s a wizard. Victor always looked so surly, like most of the Ares kids mind you, but I don’t know. He left camp every once in a while, but he always had plausible excuses for it.

Since I REALLY need to train, I decided to try my luck and go over to the practice dummies. There are hardly any monsters in the forest anymore. Most campers were practically living in there, trying to get some real-life practice. The gods know we need it.

As soon as I got to the practice dummies and tore apart the first one, Hermione and Victor finally realised that I was here.

“Hey Percy,” Said Hermione, “Having fun?”

I watched the color drain entirely out of Victors’ face when he realised what I had walked in on.

“H-Herm-own-ninny and I were just…erm…”

Hermione cut him off, “Victor it's okay. Percy knows about magic.” She turned to me, “I was just teaching him how to produce a patronus.”

I'm pretty sure she mentioned those at least once. Oh well, I really just have to get my mind off all this. I turned back to the row of practice dummies and proceeded to hack them into little dummy bits.

Hermione P.O.V.

I spent another hour and a half trying to teach Victor the patronus charm. In the end he was able to produce a corporeal patronus. Surprisingly, his took the shape of a raven. I'm not entirely sure what I expected it to be, but definitely not that.

Before lunch, I went to go visit Chiron. Since I’m staying at camp, I should probably let him know that I'm leaving. He seemed reluctant to let me go but in the end I convinced him that I would be fine. I'm not really sure why, but Chiron reminds me of Dumbledore.

Ron P.O.V.

I can’t believe Hermione actually gave up on our camping trip to visit some stupid camp. Greek gods my ass! It's been a week already, shouldn’t she know what she wants to know and just come back already? She always does this. Even when we were younger she would just drop everything to learn something new. It's bloody irritating.

This was supposed to be a vacation for Merlin’s sake! Not some stupid field trip. I wonder what she’s doing there anyway. Meh, it doesn’t really matter. I could always invite Lavender over. Harry went on a walk, so he won’t know anyway. Bloody Hermione and her ‘no sex before marriage’ rule. I'm a guy and I have needs, but she won’t budge on that one.

To be honest, I'm only really dating her because of the publicity. Girls want what they can’t have so now I have my pick of any girl in the wizarding world. Trust me; everyone would want to shag a member of the golden trio.

I made up my mind. I'm going to send a patronus to Lavender. Ever since fifth year we’ve had an off and on thing going, sometimes even behind Hermione’s back. I don’t really feel all that great about it but if she’s only going to give me half of the relationship I'm looking for, then I have to go looking for the other half elsewhere. I sent my patronus to Lavender, only giving her the coordinates to where I am. Patronus messages are a little risky because you never know who she may be with at the time, but they’re definitely faster than owls.

Ten minutes later I heard her apparate to the clearing. I knew Harry wouldn’t be back for at least another hour. Sometimes he’ll just be out all day just walking, not even coming back for dinner.  The thought of Harry quickly disappeared as I saw what Lavender was wearing.

She had on a bright red mini-dress that was short enough to be considered a shirt. Just that on it's own was enough to make my mouth water. Black platform heels covered her feet and fishnet tights went up to her thighs. Damn, I'm really happy to be able to shag her at the moment. I stalked up to her like a hunter on the prowl, and that I was.

“Why, my skills must be absolutely magnificent to be able to catch such a wonderful beast.” I purred. Lavender smirked. She absolutely loved when I talked like this and I always reaped the rewards. She was about to say something back when I heard the voice I was seriously hoping that I would never hear in a moment like this.

“You complete ARSE Ronald Weasley!”


A/N: So what did you guys think of the ending? I don't want to give too much away but I've always really hated the Ron/Hermione pairing and I probably won't keep it. Let me know what you think and what will happen next. I might include some ideas into my next chapter. Vote! Comment! Fan! 

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