Chapter 11: Arguments And Other Daily Occurences

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Harry P.O.V.

        I can’t believe I actually end up spending most of my trip walking around the forest, but I can’t help it. Dumbledore, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, Dobby, Snape and so many others. No matter what everyone tries to tell me, it still feels as though their deaths are my fault. The Weasley’s are still really broken up over Fred’s death and not even the remaining members of the order can find Hermione’s parents. Without an actual discussion, we all assume they are dead, but neither of us says anything to her. I’m pretty sure she knows, but I promised her I wouldn’t say anything to her about what happened.

        I don’t even know if I’ll go back to Hogwarts for my 7th year. If I can hardly sleep now, then I definitely won’t be sleeping there. Too many memories. It’s not as though I truly need to go back anyway. My parents and Sirius left me with enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. There’s no way I would possibly accept the Ministry’s offer of working there. Almost every department made me an offer and I turned them all down. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop them from sending me an owl every month.

        ‘I should probably go back to the campsite.’ I thought to myself. Ron is probably hungry, as per usual. At least I’ve been through these woods enough times that I know my way back pretty easily. I’m definitely grateful that Hermione is a genius. She managed to modify the silencing charm to apply to people and objects instead of just spaces. Ron and I have taken to charming our feet constantly. Not quite all of the death eaters have been caught yet, so we don’t want to be taking too many chances.

        As the brush began to clear slightly, I heard the sound of two people arguing. Is Hermione back already? Before she left it was almost a daily occurrence to come back to the sound of her and Ron arguing. The closer I got the more I realised that there was something a little off about one of the voices. It almost sounded as though there were two women arguing instead of a man and a woman. I carefully hid myself behind a tree on the outskirts of the clearing to try to find out what’s going on.

        The only other woman that knows where we are is my girlfriend of six months, Ginny Weasley. She begged Ron, Hermione and I to come with us, but in the end resigned herself to the fact that we need some time to cope with everything that happened. Either way, she truly needed to be there for her parents and George.

        What I next realised made me nearly fall over in shock. Without thinking, I reached for the nearest branch to try to help me catch my balance. Unfortunately, it wasn’t all that strong so it snapped with the sound of a gunshot. In that moment, it seemed as though the entire forest was silenced.

        “Show yourself!” Hermione cried. Even once the war ends, we will probably never let our guards down. I quickly shoved my wand into my back pocket and raised my hands to shoulder level.

        “My name is Harry James Potter.” I spoke clearly as I walked into the clearing. “The four creators of the marauders map were Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and James Potter, respectively. Hermione Jean Granger and I spent Christmas eve of last year in Godric’s Hollow searching for the sword of Godric Gryffindor and discovered what would become the Peverell’s connection to my family”

        “Oh Harry, thank Merlin!” Hermione said. “I thought you were a death eater!”

        She ran up to hug me and I had a sudden sense of déja vu. Nearly the exact same hug happened when I showed up to Grimmauld place the summer before fifth year. Hopefully, it won’t end in the same shouting match.

        “Mione!” I exclaimed as I hugged her back. “What are you doing here?”

        “I just came to get some of my things to take to camp and visit you two. As for what I’m doing, I believe you could ask Ronald that very question.” Her tone changed to one of disgust as she spoke those last words. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears and pure, unabashed rage.

        “Ron, what did you do to Hermione?”

        I have absolutely no intention of inserting myself into this argument, but I should probably at least find out what’s going on between the two of them.

        “I’ll bloody well tell you what’s going on, Harry,” Ron all but shouted at me, “This little tease over here refuses to acknowledge that I'm a man with sexual needs. Hermione won't help me out at all so I went looking for someone to fulfill these wishes elsewhere.”

        I could tell from the looks on both Hermione and Lavenders’ faces that shit was about to go down really soon if I didn’t step in and fix something. Is a peaceful, quiet life too much to ask for from the Boy-Who-Lived-Twice?

        “Is that all I was to you? Some cheap whore you could fuck because your girlfriend didn’t want to? You told me you loved me Ron! I'm done with you, and I really hope Hermione leaves your sorry ass!”

        Actually, I think he should have to deal with this one on his own. Ron is my best mate, but I can't believe he would do that to Hermione.  A shocking ‘crack!’ echoed through the forest as Lavender disapparated, but Hermione stayed.  Honestly, I never thought that they were a good couple. The two of them were constantly arguing and they were definitely better off as friends. Now, that may not even be a possibility.

        “Did you honestly think I would never find out? I'm the brightest which of my age Ronald and we’ve been friends for years. I honestly though you would have had enough respect to break it off with me if you were unhappy.  I'm done with you. We’re over.”

        Over the years, the three of us have had some really nasty fights, but nothing near this. Even when Ron left us, I was almost certain the three of us would make it through, but this could be the end of the golden trio.

        “It doesn’t matter if we’ve been ‘friends for years’. Either way, I still want sex. If you’re the brightest which of your age, then how could you not know I was shagging Lavender behind your back. Whatever, I have the pick of women in the wizarding world anyway.”

        At that, Ron swiftly spun on his heel and apparated away. The tears that were in Hermione’s eyes finally spilled over as she ran towards me.  My arms spread open automatically and the now-sobbing Hermione buried herself in them.  

        “Do you want me to go get Ginny?” I asked.

        I know she isn’t supposed to be here, but I have no idea how to deal with the situation and I sure as hell don’t want to make it worse.

        “Y-yeah. That would be nice”

        “Would you like to come with me? I don’t really want to leave you here alone and-“

        “I’ll be fine, Harry.” She whispered. “I’ll go put a pot of tea on and try to relax a little before going back to camp.”

        Clearly not wanting me to argue with her on the subject, she turned and headed towards the tent to set up the kettle. She always insisted on making tea the muggle way. ‘It’s just not the same.’ She would argue. Honestly I would have to agree with her.

        As soon as I knew she was actually in the tent, I spun on my heel and the overly-familiar sensation of being squeezed through a tube overcame me. To the burrow!


A/N: Wow I'm really bad at updating semi-constantly. Hopefully I'll be able to write more over the summer or at least hoard some unpublished chapters to this story to post when I can't write. Do any of you guys even read these? Oh well. If you do, don't fprget to vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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