Dead Alive

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"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious" - Albert Einstein

His hair, so dark

Fades into the shades of black and white

That are our city.

His tears, so fickle

Fade into the filthy pool of gray

That is self-pity. 

His voice, so monotone

Its projection as a wave depicts

The flatline of my heartbeat.

His mind, so solitary

Its projection on the silver screen

Is one lonely film on repeat.

His eyes, so cold

See the world through a microscope

Mistaking forests for their trees.

His soul, so broken

Flees through the shattered looking glass

Mistaking his image for me. 

He, the one I tried to be,

Is now dead alive and haunting me.

He, the one I still do love

Now cries out like a Mourning Dove.

It is a terrible thing,

To see the ones we so respected, 

So loved,

So looked up to, 

Sink so low.

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