Raoul is Upset!

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Hey guys! This is my first part. I was asked by The-Phantom-Weirdo to do Raoul first. I don't mean to make any of you upset. So here we go!

1.) Walk up to him with one hand on the right side of your face and the other holding a Punjab.

2.) Scream in his face, "CHRISTINE WAS WRONG TO GO WITH YOU!"

3.) Tell him that he missed a curl in his hair.

4.) Say that you were joking. But he left his curling iron on...

5.) Ask him how his son is.

6.) Then tell him, "Oh wait... He isn't yours!"

7.) Ask him if he recently went to any good bars.

8.) Ask him if he likes red scarves.

9.) Then ask if he likes swimming with clothes on.

10.) Then run off and say, "Hmm surprised he doesn't have a girlfriends with all that money. Oh yeah! He gambled it all!"

Raoul:  Hey! I'll have you know I sincerely regret doing those things. Man you are so gonna get it you little-!

Yeah. Umm. Don't say these to him and uh... Try not to do these things without getting sued. I hope I don't bring any offense to anyone. Comment who I should do next! Thanks a billion!-ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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