Literally Dead...

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This is Gustave Daaé asked by The-Phantom-Weirdo and it's going to be shortened by five because he isn't a huge known character. Thanks and enjoy!

1.) Go up to him and break his violin in two (I know. I'm mean. Muhaha)

2.) Tell him that he doesn't keep his promises

3.) Tell him that there never was an Angel of Music

4.) Ask him if he never died and became Erik and Raoul instead (Ramin played Gustave in the movie and Erik in 25th and Raoul in 2003)

5.) Ask him if he saw any good Operas with Christine. Oh wait. You're dead! (Oh my gosh I'm evil! *sobs in some dark corner*)

Gustave Daaé:  Aww it's okay. I'm mad at you, but you look so sad in that corner. Let me give you a hug. *tries to hug but fails because is ghost*

Me:  *Sobs* I'LL NEVER BE LOVED...

Hello once again today. Umm I went to a school dance last night so I didn't really get to update as much. But thank you for all the kind views! I love you all! -ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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