A Mad Golden Dancer

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Hello one and all! Another round for the day. I'm doing Meg Giry suggested by WickedlyPhantomPhan enjoy!

1.) Tell her that her dancing is the worse

2.) Then tell her to shut up because no one cares if 'The Phantom of the Opera is here'

3.) Tell her that you don't understand why Christine is even friends with her

4.) Tell her that she didn't do anything good in the musical

5.) Ask her if she is in love with masked men (LND)

6.) Ask her if she likes torturing children to show a man that you want to kill yourself (Once again, LND)

7.) Ask if she likes bathing suits (LND)

8.) Ask her if being a ballerina was too much for her

9.) Ask her if she likes pie

10.) She'll get confused and that's when you throw a pie in her face and run away

Meg:  Oh my gosh! You ruined my dress! Not only that, but my hair is all ruined! How could you! I have a performance tonight.

11.) He never noticed you anyway

Yay! I posted again! Cool I guess... Anyway thanks for all of the views and make sure to comment who I should do next! Thanks! -ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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