A Red-Hot Prima Donna

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Hello one and all! Sorry I haven't posted. No one told me who to do... So I decided to do Carlotta. Hope you all enjoy!

1.) Tell her that she is a toad

2.) Then you sabotage her so she starts croaking

3.) You laugh at her

4.) You then, rip her dress up

5.) Who knows? Maybe throw a pie in her face


7.) Tell her that she should become a ballet dancer and dye her hair blond and curl it (depending on what kind of Meg you watch)

8.) Then tell her that she can't dance

9.) Tell her that she can't sing

10.) Then tell her that she is ugly which results to her never being able to twin with Meg...

Carlotta:  OH! I SEE HOW IT IS! You "precious little ingénue!"

Oh Carlotta. That was so old! That was interesting. Well thanks for the views and like I said before, I didn't post because no one told me who to do. Please tell me who to do next. Thanks! -ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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